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Thumb screws are a PITA. you've only been using it 6 months. wait until some salt creep gets in the threads and head. also if you don't tighten them evenly they will leak. if a small pebble gets between the gasket and the plate, you've got a leak. twist tops solve all of these issues. Not saying that your unit will do this, just speaking from 15 years exp. I've seen my fair share of thumb screw gasket lids.
My skimmer has a cleaning head and I have it connected to a 2.5g skimmate collector, i dont touch it for months and months at a time. GFO sucks I agree but I use a cup in an overflow sock so in and out is a breeze. as for water changes... I'm not sure what type of corals you keep but i would doubt that long term health of any coral with little water change and its effects would be beneficial to any animal including fish. Even if you have money to burn, you couldn't possible dose all of the major and minor trace elements found in a good salt mix. and I am of the thinking that if you cant test for it dont dose it. YMMV
i feel the twist top is a pita, i have a geo and have a major problem opening it. just ordered 2 next reef mr1. as long as you take care of the threads i never had a problem with thumb screws. to each his own i guess.