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Aquarium Village
Copiague, NY
Ribbon Eel (blue)(Male)
Yellow-lined Sweetlips
Banded Pipefish
Kauderni/Bangai Cardinal
Saddle Anemonefish
Allard Anemonefish
Blue-green Chromis
Lionfish (Black)
Urchin Clingfish
Madder Seaperch
Checkhed Swallowtail(Borbonius Anthias)
Royal Blue Pygmy Angelfish
Yellow-faced Angelfish (Adult)
Emperor Angelfish (Adult)
Blue-girdled Angelfish (Adult) - M
Blue-girdled Angelfish (Adult) - L
Royal Dottyback
Purple Blotch Basslet (female)
Jewel Antenna Basslet (Red)
Klein's Butterflyfish
Saddled Butterflyfish (M/L)
Coral Beauty
Keyhole Angelfish
Regal Angelfish
Two-Banded Anemonefish
Golden Spotted Hawkfish (New)
African Clown Wrasse (Juv)(S)
Golden Rainbowfish
Orange-tipped Rainbowfish
Guinea Fowl Wrasse
Checkerboard Wrasse (Adult)
Carpenter's Wrasse
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse
Orange-spine Unicornfish (L)
Imeldae Anthias
Freckletail Lyretail Angelfish
Spine-cheeked Anemonefish Goldstripe (M/L)
Spine-cheeked Anemonefish Goldstripe (S/M)
Diana's Hogfish (Adult)
Two-colored Blenny
Powder Blue Tang (M/L)
Powder Blue Tang (S)
Blue Surgeonfish (M)
Orange-spine Unicornfish (S)
Redtooth Triggerfish
Shortfin Lionfish
Panther Grouper tiny
Harlequin Sweetlips (M)(Juv)
Purple Blotch Basslet (male)
African Clown Wrasse (Juv)(M/L)
Black-gill/Solar Fairy Wrasse
Scarletfin Fairy Wrasse
Exquisites Wrasse
Eclipse Hogfish
Diana's Hogfish (Juv)
Blue Bird Wrasse
Bali Jawfish
Yellow Coral Goby
Rippled Coral Goby
Two-spot Goby
Forktail Blenny
Matted Leatherjacket
Blue-Spotted Sharp Nosed Puffer
Social Fairy Wrasse
Striped Blenny
Pinkbar Goby
Orange-Spotted Prawn Goby
Steinitz's Goby
Orange Line-Striped Goby
Cleanner Shrimp - (M)
Red/Yellow Boxing Shrimp
Sexy Pistol Shrimp
Harlequin Mantis Shrimp
Sand Shifting Starfish
Speckled Starfish
Blue Starfish (M)
Red Brittle Starfish
Feather Duster Assorted (XL)

New Corals

All Colors of Mushrooms
Yumas,neon orange
Grade A Zoas
Torch (frags and colonies)
Hammers(frags and colonies)
Frogs Spawn
Green Pipe Or5gan
Mettalic Button Polyp
Lunar Eclipse Palys
Elegance Frags and colonies
Platygyra Red
Green Polyp Toadstool
Blue Maxima Clams
Australian Scolys
Neon Goniastrea
Australian Lobos
Orange Linkia Stars
Blue Stars
Cleaner Shrimp
Blood Shrimp
Mexican Turbos

100's of new Frags

Plus tons of corals in Stock
Acans,acros, favias,leathers,plates,star polyps,leathers....too many to list

Sponsor Reefs

We're a FREE website, and we exist because of hobbyists like YOU who help us run this community.

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