Domboski, while I apprecitate you getting things started here, that tank isn't going to win. Sorry, but I want like 90% of the stuff in there.
thank you, thank youas with all my tanks I gave this my best effort and I think it really shows.
This is my entry
First I will explain that this is the result of providing a suitable habitat for the collected spotfin butterflys to grow in. I was feeding a large amount of mysis and allowing the pods plenty of places to grow. I removed a deltec 902 skimmer, and took the GFO offline. The PO4 went up, but the algae kept the NO3 bellow 10.
I was saving these shots for an upcoming article, but what the heck :Blurp:
notice even the snails need help, they turned into snail chia pets
the swamp...