Hello I’m sorry I missed the first two chat sessions. However I think I’m up to speed with the course material. I live in Guerneville CA. I have an Aquarium service company and internet store specializing in lighting products and tank raised corals that I do the photography for.
I have some experience with photography as my father used to teach a collage course and he showed me how to develop film and make prints. I have recently graduated to a Canon XSi DSLR. I have a 18-55mm 2.8. and a 100mmm 2.8 macro lens. I also have several ext tubes and remote trigger Speedlight 580 ex II flash is coming this week. I’m really enjoying the new equipment and want to learn as much as possible. I will be practicing a lot with the new flash as so far I’ve mostly done available light photography which I like a lot. I can take some decent coral shots however I need much more practice with fish. Here a few I took last week that aren't great but good enough to avoid the trash until I get better ones. The first two are with aquarium lighting only and the last was using the cameras built in flash. I didn't change the WB to flash and as a result the colors are not good and even though I shot in RAW format a WB and tint adjustment couldn't correct it. It is creative looking though however I wish the DOF was just a tad larger.
I have some experience with photography as my father used to teach a collage course and he showed me how to develop film and make prints. I have recently graduated to a Canon XSi DSLR. I have a 18-55mm 2.8. and a 100mmm 2.8 macro lens. I also have several ext tubes and remote trigger Speedlight 580 ex II flash is coming this week. I’m really enjoying the new equipment and want to learn as much as possible. I will be practicing a lot with the new flash as so far I’ve mostly done available light photography which I like a lot. I can take some decent coral shots however I need much more practice with fish. Here a few I took last week that aren't great but good enough to avoid the trash until I get better ones. The first two are with aquarium lighting only and the last was using the cameras built in flash. I didn't change the WB to flash and as a result the colors are not good and even though I shot in RAW format a WB and tint adjustment couldn't correct it. It is creative looking though however I wish the DOF was just a tad larger.