Thank D! come on I want to c some new chalice you got and big H.Grknyer!

Thank D! come on I want to c some new chalice you got and big H.Grknyer!
I like that but.........
this is what i have and it looks the same. pic sucks but looks the same right or wrong?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhNice WMs Pnoy. Yummy.
Harry, wheres your chalice pics?
Thanks, Steve, ur turn to post some.
Rob.. I think there are different morphs of grape WM.. I did a search and most looked like mine..
Kenny that is the same one. I have the same one but mine has a blueish color to it.Nice! Pnoy
Rob, is that the same WM we picked up about 2 years ago?
Couple of new ones:
Very nice everyone.. more please..
New pic of old chalice.