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Here's mine

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Ysbh5y5gd46oLxOHDgDIRA"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_NPIRWKuZUJQ/SQ46DPA5EFI/AAAAAAAABNs/H7ZQcSN7_fk/s800/IMG_2737.JPG" /></a>

175G Sps dominated mixed reef


Rating - 100%
58   0   0
Hey guys I have taken some of your tank pictures and put it on my website


please let me know if you have a problem with me showcasing your fish tank as an example

I took these pictures because they were the best example pictures I can find.

Thanks in advance.

I agree with "DevIouS" and also you need to credit the picture owners on your site as well as making sure you tell anyone who inquires about your services that you do not service any of the tanks pictured.
Upper East Side
Rating - 100%
21   0   0
Hey guys I have taken some of your tank pictures and put it on my website


please let me know if you have a problem with me showcasing your fish tank as an example

I took these pictures because they were the best example pictures I can find.

Thanks in advance.

By taking the photos from this thread and posting them on your website, you are potentially violating copyright laws. You are lucky you didn't select one of my photos as I take things like this very seriously. The internet has made it easy for writing and photos to be stolen and used for purposes that the artists never intended. While I am sure you meant no harm, you may be causing it unintentionally. I would strongly suggest taking down all photos that you did not take yourself unless permission has been given to you by the photographer.


Rating - 100%
52   0   0
Hey guys I have taken some of your tank pictures and put it on my website


please let me know if you have a problem with me showcasing your fish tank as an example

I took these pictures because they were the best example pictures I can find.

Thanks in advance.

fripclaksid, by posting this I'm sure you meant no ill intent, so I'll be kind and give you a chance to remove my photo you have used. I am a professional photographer and get paid for this service. If you would like to hire me to provide photos for your website I'd be happy to discuss this with you.



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