Please read before ordering:
A little bit about the collection process
All fish are collected using handnets. No chemical agents, drugs or unattended traps are used. It takes years of practice to become adept at chasing down and netting a fish. Most of you know how difficult it is to catch a pesky fish in one's home aquarium -- now imagaine trying to catch that same fish in the open ocean where it has an unlimited number of hiding places and escape routes and where you are hampered by forty pounds of dive gear. And that is before you factor in the ocean currents, waves, poor visibility and the constant threat of sharks, eels and spiny venemous things.
Once captured, the fish are placed in a modified catch bucket and attached to a line where they wait out their decompression. Like humans, fish are adversely affected by rapid pressure changes. Having spent most of their adult lives at a specific depth, they need to be brought to the surface in an extremely slow and careful manner. If they were to be brought staight up, their swim bladders would rupture from the rapidly expanding gasses. As a general rule, the diver raises the fish at no more than one foot for every two minutes. Thus, it takes about two hundred and eighty minutes (4 1/2 hours) to bring a fish up from 140 feet.
These efforts go a long way to ensure the well-being of the fish as well as for the safety of the diver, and may be reflected in the price. IMO it is more than reasonable to compensate the divers their effort to bring us quality fish in such an adverse environment, sometimes risking their lives.
Deepwater Species
- Most fish are caught to order.
- Please QT your fish. There is no guarantee offered beyond Live Arrival Guarantee.
- Must prepay to get your order in no exceptions. If an item did not ship or is DOA a full refund will be given.
- Order closes one (1) week from today on 11/3/11
- As most fish are collected to order, the diver will let me know approximately how long it will take to get the order together after a list is provided to him, after which time I will inform you. Pick up will be in Flushing 11355.
- Please send all payment to [email protected].
A little bit about the collection process
All fish are collected using handnets. No chemical agents, drugs or unattended traps are used. It takes years of practice to become adept at chasing down and netting a fish. Most of you know how difficult it is to catch a pesky fish in one's home aquarium -- now imagaine trying to catch that same fish in the open ocean where it has an unlimited number of hiding places and escape routes and where you are hampered by forty pounds of dive gear. And that is before you factor in the ocean currents, waves, poor visibility and the constant threat of sharks, eels and spiny venemous things.
Once captured, the fish are placed in a modified catch bucket and attached to a line where they wait out their decompression. Like humans, fish are adversely affected by rapid pressure changes. Having spent most of their adult lives at a specific depth, they need to be brought to the surface in an extremely slow and careful manner. If they were to be brought staight up, their swim bladders would rupture from the rapidly expanding gasses. As a general rule, the diver raises the fish at no more than one foot for every two minutes. Thus, it takes about two hundred and eighty minutes (4 1/2 hours) to bring a fish up from 140 feet.
These efforts go a long way to ensure the well-being of the fish as well as for the safety of the diver, and may be reflected in the price. IMO it is more than reasonable to compensate the divers their effort to bring us quality fish in such an adverse environment, sometimes risking their lives.
- Flame Angel 35
- Lemon Peel Angel 32
- Goldflake Angel md.-lg. 262
- Goldflake Angel Xlg. 283
- Banded Angel md. 599
- Hawaiian Flame 82
- Fisheri 22
- Potter 37
- Bartlett Anthias 30
- Hawaiian Bicolor lg. 35
- Whitleye Female 62
- Blue Box - male 37
- Black Box - female 22
- Golden Puffer 337
- Guinea Fowl Puffer Xlg. 112
- Saddleback Puffer 17
- White Spotted Puffer 15
- Ambon Toby 15
- Chocolate Dip Chromis 10
- Yellow Tail Lantern 22
- Domino Damsel 12
- Blue Eye Chromis 10
- Vanderbilt Chromis 7
- Citron Butterfly 32
- Fourspot 22
- Declives 237
- Hawaiian Coral 12
- Lemon 12
- Longnose 22
- Saddleback Butterfly lg. 42
- Raccoon lg. 25
- Cusk Xlg. 62
- Leopard 62
- Golden Dwarf 150
- Moray 37
- Green Head Moray 52
- Yellow Mouth 390
- Zebra 72
Deepwater Species
- Bodianus sanguines 2000
- Holanthias fuscipennis 1600
- Prognathodes basabei 5000
- Arc Eye Hawk 15
- Yellow Frogfish 132
- Flame Hawk 35
- Freckled Hawk 18
- Giant Angler 150
- Pygmy Angler 130
- Red Banded Hawk 14
- Achilles Tang 190
- Black Tang sm. 500
- Black Tang Xlg. 550
- Dussumieri md. 35
- Dussumieri lg. 40
- Goldrim 40
- Blue Tang sm.-md. 40
- Mustard Tang Xlg. 136
- Naso md. 34
- Naso Lg. 40
- Naso Xlg. 73
- Naso Streamer - male 94
- Orange Shoulder md. 17
- Kole 25
- Vlamingi 17
- Lavender Tang 15
- Unicorn lg. 25
- Yellow Tang Sm.- Md. 25
- Yellow Tang Lg. 35
- Yellow Tang Xlg. 55
- Blue Jaw - female 22
- Blue Jaw - male 42
- Caeruleolineatus 987
- Crosshatch - female 262
- Crosshatch - male 412
- Hawaiian Black md. 62
- Hawaiian Black Xlg. 87
- Painted 22
- Gray 22
- Black Bird 32
- Golden Rhomboid female 149
- Blue Pencil - male 17
- Christmas 22
- Black and White coris 25
- Lineatus Supermale 287
- Lineatus Lg. 237
- Eight Line 20
- Elegant Coris 12
- Flame - female 87
- Flame - male 187
- Four Line 32
- Scott's Fairy AUS lg. 137
- Green Bird - male 62
- Hawaiian Cleaner 25
- Mystery 112
- Orange Bar Wrasse 20
- Pink Pencil - female 15
- Potters 22
- Psychedelic 70
- Twinspot Maori 22
- Redtail Tamarin 22
- Saddle Back Wrasse xlg 22
- Scarlet / Dissapearing 15
- Snowflake/ Pearl 37
- Surge female 20
- Yellow Head Hog 22
- Golden Coris 62
- Yellow Tail Coris Md. 25
- Yellow Tail Coris Lg. 32
- Yellow Tail Coris Xlg. 62
- Squirrel 15
- Chrysopterus Clown 47
- Flame Clown 32
- Tahitian Pipefish 25
- Leaf 22
- Trumpet 22
- White Goatfish 20
- Blue Line Snapper 22
- Indigo Dartfish 37
- Blue Goatfish 32
- Orange Sand Hopper 20
- Orange Tail File 17
- Gumdrop 25
- Red Banded Goat 17
- Red Cardinal 12
- Halocardia Rubra 1
- Flame Fountain Shrimp 22
- Red Hawaiian Lobster 22
- Cleaner Shrimp 20
- Dwarf Zebra Hermit 1
- 7-11 Crab 22
- Halloween Hermit 7
- Coral Banded Shrimp 10
- Armored Crab 20
- Orange Knobby Star 22
- Purple Hermit 10
- Purple Star 30
- Tiger Tail Cucumber 10
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