PiecesOfTheOcean.com soft-launch with 25% off!
For question and to arrange pick-up the quickest way is to email me at support AT piecesoftheocean.com or kenny.lin AT piecesoftheocean.com.
Get 25% off with no limit using coupon code "potosoftlaunch25" during check-out. The purpose of the soft-launch is to test for any bug and work flow of the site. Expires 3/20.
All fish are QT'ed for 2 months to ensure they're eating and corals dipped and conditioned for 1 month. Everything is guaranteed for 14 days, including wysiwyg and in-stock items, for both shipped and picked up orders.
This is a one-time deal so don't miss out on great items such as a few nice clams, purple fire fish, purple tangs, Bimaculatus Anthias Trio (rare find!) and fire shrimps.
And of course, some of the cherries:
Acro Enchinata Colony WYSIWYG - $165 (Buy)
SSC Colony - $275 (Buy)
Fungia Ultra - $160 (Buy)
Aussie Acro Colony (Acropora Samentosa) - $64 (Buy)
Deepwater Acro Colony XL (Acropora Caroliniana) - $200 (Buy)
Hot Pink Stylo (Stylophora spp.) - $74 (Buy)
Pink Stylo (Stylophora spp.) - $64 (Buy)
Fungia Orange Rainbow - $150 (Buy)
Fungia Rainbow - $145 (Buy)
Fungia Ultra Rainbow - $160 (Buy)
Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) (QT'ed for 2 months, eating everything, wysiwyg) - $55 (Buy)
Clam Squamosa Teardrop - $100 (Buy)
Clam Maxima Aquaculture - $64 (Buy)
Maxima Clam Ultra - $150 (Buy)
Bimaculatus Anthias Trio (Pseudanthias bimaculatus) - $250 (Deepwater anthias, direct import from Maldives via Sri Lanka, QT'ed for 2 months, eating frozen and pellets aggressively, beautiful colors only 2 trios available) (Buy)
Fire Shrimp - $24 (in stock about 4-5 available, I might keep a couple myself) (Buy)
Purple Fire Fish (Nemateleotris decora) - $24 (in stock about 4-5 available, I might keep a couple myself) (Buy)
Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) - $120 (in stock about 3-4 available, I might keep one myself) (Buy)
Red Sea Desjardini Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma desjardinii) - $40 (in stock over 10 available, I might keep one myself) (Buy)
Again, get 25% off with no limit using coupon code "potosoftlaunch25" during check-out.
Shipping is also available.
For question and to arrange pick-up the quickest way is to email me at support AT piecesoftheocean.com or kenny.lin AT piecesoftheocean.com.
For question and to arrange pick-up the quickest way is to email me at support AT piecesoftheocean.com or kenny.lin AT piecesoftheocean.com.
Get 25% off with no limit using coupon code "potosoftlaunch25" during check-out. The purpose of the soft-launch is to test for any bug and work flow of the site. Expires 3/20.
All fish are QT'ed for 2 months to ensure they're eating and corals dipped and conditioned for 1 month. Everything is guaranteed for 14 days, including wysiwyg and in-stock items, for both shipped and picked up orders.
This is a one-time deal so don't miss out on great items such as a few nice clams, purple fire fish, purple tangs, Bimaculatus Anthias Trio (rare find!) and fire shrimps.
And of course, some of the cherries:
Acro Enchinata Colony WYSIWYG - $165 (Buy)

SSC Colony - $275 (Buy)

Fungia Ultra - $160 (Buy)

Aussie Acro Colony (Acropora Samentosa) - $64 (Buy)

Deepwater Acro Colony XL (Acropora Caroliniana) - $200 (Buy)

Hot Pink Stylo (Stylophora spp.) - $74 (Buy)

Pink Stylo (Stylophora spp.) - $64 (Buy)

Fungia Orange Rainbow - $150 (Buy)

Fungia Rainbow - $145 (Buy)

Fungia Ultra Rainbow - $160 (Buy)

Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) (QT'ed for 2 months, eating everything, wysiwyg) - $55 (Buy)

Clam Squamosa Teardrop - $100 (Buy)

Clam Maxima Aquaculture - $64 (Buy)

Maxima Clam Ultra - $150 (Buy)

Bimaculatus Anthias Trio (Pseudanthias bimaculatus) - $250 (Deepwater anthias, direct import from Maldives via Sri Lanka, QT'ed for 2 months, eating frozen and pellets aggressively, beautiful colors only 2 trios available) (Buy)

Fire Shrimp - $24 (in stock about 4-5 available, I might keep a couple myself) (Buy)

Purple Fire Fish (Nemateleotris decora) - $24 (in stock about 4-5 available, I might keep a couple myself) (Buy)

Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) - $120 (in stock about 3-4 available, I might keep one myself) (Buy)

Red Sea Desjardini Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma desjardinii) - $40 (in stock over 10 available, I might keep one myself) (Buy)

Again, get 25% off with no limit using coupon code "potosoftlaunch25" during check-out.
Shipping is also available.
For question and to arrange pick-up the quickest way is to email me at support AT piecesoftheocean.com or kenny.lin AT piecesoftheocean.com.
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