Not sure if these have been mentioned already or not,
Aquatic Wonders
Fish house
Island Aquatics
Long Island Aquatics
Advanced Aquatic Systems
Fish 'n' Stuff
Fish 'n' Sticks
Home of the Reefer
Seascapes Aquatics
Coral Cavern
House of Splash
Coral corral
The AquaReef
LI ocean Aquarium
Reef King
The Aquarium King
Marine World Lovers
Fish Reefers
The Fish King
Reef Monsters
Reef Keepers
Aquatic Underworld
Fish Fantasyland
Wet and Wild
Fish and Furious
Fish R Friends
I got more coming. I'll be thinking all day of names.. this store is gonna be great. I'm excited.
UnderWater World
Tank & Pond
Hooked on Fish
Advancing Aquatics
Neptune's Playground
Happy Fins
Fins 'N Tails
More then just Fish
Exotic Aquatics
Fish worth keeping
Rivers and Reef
Reef Sanctuary
Coral Beauties
Reef Dreams
Glass Ocean
About the Reef
Aquarium Arts
reef fish
aquatic dreams
saltwater fantasy
Deer park fish store
aquatics and more
the fish tank
the reef tank
marine fish
the blue lagoon
fish, clams & corals (FCC)
the coral reef experience
the seven seas
i have crabs
friendly fish
aquarium fish
exotic corals
marine supplies and livestock
marine deliveries
the people's fish store
the coral reef
turtle's aquariums