First of all I asked what is the hardiest type of fish,coral to put in for beginners? BABY STEPS and all are telling me your moving to fast. When you setup a tank you want something in the tank, you are not going to have a tank sit there for 2 months with just water and not animals that ridiculous. Does anyone use microbacteria to cycle their tanks these days? Well I did with One & Only Nitrifying Bacteria from Dr. Tims Aquatics and I dont see any signs or problems for a tank that is 4 weeks old. My cleaner shrimp is growing it shed its skin yesterday so that's a good sign, all my water parameters are in check. The clowns are growing etc so I don't see the need to wait 3 months for a cycle to complete if your using microbacteria to start the tank. So I think if something was wrong with my water the fish, shrimp, snails, hermits all would be dead by now.