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I think this is just me being too cautious, but I think I notice something strange with my red maroon juvenile clownfish.

Now this clownfish has white stripes. With that said, when I look through the glass of my aquarium it's white stripes seem white.

Though a small area along the front stripe (the one nearest it's head region) seems a little bit like it's flaking off?

Though it might have been this way when I got the fish, and I bought this fish at a very reputable store, Manhattan Aquariums.

With that said though, when I look at the fish from above my aquarium, where I am directly looking at the fish through the water, I thought I noticed that the same white stripe (again the one nearest it's head region) almost seemed a bit pinkish, almost as if you could kinda see I suppose it's red body underneath a little bit?

I'm just wondering if other people with juvenile red maroon clownfish have seen this same issue and if they have, is this really nothing, or does it indicate some sort of burn?

I just did a water change saturday morning (approximately 2 weeks) after the last change I did.

I believe I removed about 35 to 40% of the water with this change.

Could the new water I added to my tank have been too much at one time for this fish to handle?

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