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Advanced Reefer
Stamford, CT
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Hey everyone this will be my first Qt I set up so I need some help. I have a 20 gallon non reef ready tank at home. I will be using water from my main display to start it. I basically want to know what other equipment I need to get it going and to keep it running while I treat my fish. So I have the
3)some pvc for hiding places

What else do I need?!?! I have some fish that need help ASAP!


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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I have used hob filter like aqua learn or similar in past. I took the filter pad that came with it in left in sump until I needed it: set tank up using that filter pad. Basic heater, some larger PVC joints for some hiding.

Are you medicating the tank? If so follow instructions carefully and have plenty of water available ( made and ready) for wc. Some of meds are useless if not dosed properly and will have no real benefit for you

I keep qt supplies in the qt tank when not in use , so don't get used in display tank. Good habit that I picked up here

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