Tell me if you see any problems with any aspects of this setup.
37 gal aquarium
2 Zoo-Med powersweep powerheads (1 above the rock on the side, 1 behind the rock in the center to get circulation through the caves)
1 Heater ( Anyone have a good reccomendation on what brand to get)
Prizm protein skimmer- rated up to 100 gallons
Eheim 2227 wet/dry canister filter- this releases water in surges so in a way it doubles as a wavemaker. However I have heard that this is not good for reefs. Is there a good reason why they are not good for reefs, or did I read incorrectly?
Live Rock- how many pounds? I was thinking around 50
Sand- 40 pounds arag-alive from CaribSea and 10-20 pounds of live sand from the lfs (would anyone reccomend other types of sand?) How deep of a sand bed do I want?
Corals- Toadstool leather, mushroom and star polyps, ricordia, galaxea, open brain coral, bullseye/candycane, pulsing xenia ( I cant remember the others but I'll edit this post when I do. Its mostly soft stuff)
1 bubble anenome
1 tube anenome
1 sallylightfoot crab, 2 emerald crabs
1 sand sifting star ( do I need anything else to move the sand around?)
1 of some type of clown fish
1 six line wrasse
not sure about the rest of the fish
10 snails
12 larger hermit crabs and 6 small ones
1-2 Derrasa clam(s)
2-3 peppermint shrimp
For lighting- 130 Watt coralife. aqualight deluxe series double linear strip 30 inches,
Hopefully you can all spot incompatibilities or just make helpful suggestions. Thanks in advance for the help
37 gal aquarium
2 Zoo-Med powersweep powerheads (1 above the rock on the side, 1 behind the rock in the center to get circulation through the caves)
1 Heater ( Anyone have a good reccomendation on what brand to get)
Prizm protein skimmer- rated up to 100 gallons
Eheim 2227 wet/dry canister filter- this releases water in surges so in a way it doubles as a wavemaker. However I have heard that this is not good for reefs. Is there a good reason why they are not good for reefs, or did I read incorrectly?
Live Rock- how many pounds? I was thinking around 50
Sand- 40 pounds arag-alive from CaribSea and 10-20 pounds of live sand from the lfs (would anyone reccomend other types of sand?) How deep of a sand bed do I want?
Corals- Toadstool leather, mushroom and star polyps, ricordia, galaxea, open brain coral, bullseye/candycane, pulsing xenia ( I cant remember the others but I'll edit this post when I do. Its mostly soft stuff)
1 bubble anenome
1 tube anenome
1 sallylightfoot crab, 2 emerald crabs
1 sand sifting star ( do I need anything else to move the sand around?)
1 of some type of clown fish
1 six line wrasse
not sure about the rest of the fish
10 snails
12 larger hermit crabs and 6 small ones
1-2 Derrasa clam(s)
2-3 peppermint shrimp
For lighting- 130 Watt coralife. aqualight deluxe series double linear strip 30 inches,
Hopefully you can all spot incompatibilities or just make helpful suggestions. Thanks in advance for the help