I have the Aqua C Remora and it kicks butt. You can either hang it on the back of your tank or on the back of your sump.
As for the Macro Algae question, it will help consume nitrates and phosphates, which nuisance algae feed off of as well. You ARE going to get hair algae for a little bit after your tank is done cycling.
I just put 8 Mexican turbo snails in my tank two days ago and they've consumed about 90% of my nuisance algae already. I'm borrowing 4 from a friend so I'm going to end up with only 4 total. The rule of thumb is 1 per 10 gallons. They work QUICK. I personally wouldn't bother with any hermits or other snails, as they don't work 1% as hard as the mexicans do (that sounds stereotypical doesnt it?).
Also, to help keep your water clear and pure, I would look into carbon and phosban. I added 20lbs more sand about 4 days ago and the water was WAY cloudy. No more than about 2 hours later it was back to crystal clear. I run black diamond carbon 24/7, change it monthly. Phosban is similar to carbon, except that it absorbs phosphates only. I run it 24/7 also, and change it monthly.
For powerheads, I don't know what your price range is, but look into Maxi-Jet Powerheads, and you can modify them easily to make them flow ALOT more.
For sand, I have seen a VERY successful reef set up with silica sand. It houses billions of worms, bugs etc. Here's some pictures:
Personally, I still wouldn't use the silica sand. Look into aragonite. Its easy to find relatively cheap too.
Here's some links to look at:
PhosPur: ... 004+113810
BlackDiamond: ... 004+113805
MaxiJet Mods:
Buy the mod here:
or make it yourself: ... did=717034
Sand: I use this, make sure you get the reef sand, not the reef substrate.
PM me if you want the link to where I got it 40lbs at $50