Thank so much for all your help!
No I am not feeding the CUC. I put them in to clean up the algae that was forming and the diatom.
I am measuring the PH with API High Range Test. I dont want to use chemical if I dont have to thats why I just left it alone until I got some advice on here. I will test it again tomorrow morning. Would another water change tomorrow bring it down? What is the best PH to have it at? The QT is at 8.4, thats the highest it should ever be and still be ok right?
Im glad the lights are good for soft corals, I want to only have peaceful easy corals and livestock in my tank.
I got the better lights bc I thought that the corals(zoas,acans and frogspawn are considered corals right? dont laugh im new! lol) had to stay in the QT for at least 4 weeks bc I put them in with the fish. I have heard that people usually QT corals for up to 2 weeks and fish 4 weeks. My intention was to have the QT up for 4 to 6 weeks but I dont think thats gonna happen now right? I wish it could but whatever is best for my little guys in the QT.
Ok so I will try and find the ammonia test tomorrow that you recommend.
I added some more Prime today bc I did a water change in there to lower the ammonia level. How often am I supposed to use it? I use very little like 5ml for the 10G. Is it possible to overdose the tank with that?
No more water changes in the QT? Is that bc the Prime is taking care of everything that is harmful.
Also what do I do to the DT to get the PH down if its still high tomorrow?
You're very welcome
In no particular order...
You will probably have to order the kit online. I've only seen it once in a LFS and that was a long time ago.
I'd still change the water in the QT daily until you move the fish out of there...good 50% water changes. (point being that if your water in a QT is supposed to be pristine, it should NOT matter how large the water changes are, they can't hurt if you are exchanging perfect water for perfect water that is a little dirty)
If you change 50% of the water then you'd add a 50% dosage of prime (as related to the gallons you changed, and yes you can overdose anything...)
IMO the ONLY thing you want to do to reduce the PH in the DT is water changes. Anything from 8.0 - 8.4 is ok
IMO - Nothing wrong with API kits tho many will tell you otherwise. I've been using them for years and have never found them to be inaccurate.
For ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH..they are quite accurate. You will want other kits among the bigger names like Sailfert & Elos for your Ca, Alk & Mg.
I do agree that all fish should be QT'd but 2 weeks, maybe 3 should be enough to see if they have any illness or issues. You might want to totally cycle the QT before you get any further fish.
Corals (yup, you have those correct
Did I miss anything? :splitspin