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Danbury CT.
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Hi guys, I've had a tank for 5 years now. I started with a 36 gal. which after 3 months, I found to be way too small so I figured that since I had a max. 4ft area to fill, I decided to get a 55 gal. I thought I was in reef heaven UNTIL I tried to clean the front glass and found out that every time I cleaned it, I would be breaking off a piece of coral. SO, I decided to go with the 75 gal. because I had PC. lighting and refuse to go with MH. because of the heat issue and because I'm very happy with my coral selection and didn't want to upgrade my lights. I had to trade out my front 130 watt Pc light for a 108 Watt T-5 this year because for the first 2 years when my crocea clam was small, it was fine but this year, as it got bigger, it needed more light. I have 260 watts of PCs in the back and 108 watts of T-5s in the front. I couldn't be happier with my tank. To me, it is PERFECT!!! This picture is a year old and since then,things have really grown. I'll upload a new pic. soon. In the last 4 months, I have sold EXACTLY $960.00 worth of coral because of over crowding. I have another person coming over tonight to buy some more. Even at that, My tank is fuller than this picture shows.


Danbury CT.
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Thanks guys for the kind words. I really am totally happy with it. I have 7 beautiful fish in there as well.I have my yellow tailed damsel [ Midnight] who I'm ashamed to say that I cycled my 1st tank with,like others, I just didn't know any better. He is over 5 years old and still looks beautiful.

I also have my yellow tang[ Banana] he's 4 years old and was named by my son, who was 7 at the time.

Then there is my 6 line wrass [ Dizzy] who comically twists and turns in circles sometimes. he's about 3years old.

Then there is my OC. clown [ Happy] who couldn't be happier since we got him the RBTA 3 years ago. Isn't she cute?? We also got her a mate, [Nemo] of course. Couldn't think of another name LOL. They constantly spawn.

And here's our Royal Gramma [ Grandma] you can tell by how small the finger leather is, that this pic is at least 3 years old

And finally my Talbots damsel [Pinky] He's only 2 years old. I also want to note that My tank is TOTALLY peaceful. Nothing but love in this tank.


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All cleaned up. Get a total of 10 posts and your pics won't need to ba approved.

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