Fishylover, have you done ANY reading on Cyclin a salt water tank? You really should do this before you even filled your tank with water.
You have me very confused as to what is happening in your tank. You don't seem to understand the cyclin of a sw tank. You seem to be interchanging nitrites & nitrates. Nitrites are much worse for the animals we keep, nitrates are not as bad, but can still kill if to high.
If your test kit still shows even a trace of Nitrites, YOUR TANK IS STILL NOT ready for any inhabitants. You are going to kill everything you put in there.
PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Take the time to do some research..... You happen to be in a forum with tons of information here. As well as many members who are willing to help you, but if you choose to ignore the advice given to you there is nothing more for us to do.
Please don't waste our time, and yours.
We here are truly fish lovers here, and don't take kindly to animals being killed because of the lack of commitment to them. It is not enough to put up a glass box with water, you must read, and apply what you should get from reading to the hobby.
I don't mean to come across as harsh, but you are frustrating me to the max...
I am not perfect, and have caused the lifes of animals myself unwittingly. Let me tell you it kills me a little every time I loose an animal.