I am hoping someone can come up with something for me to resolve my problem with some ease.
My tank has been cycling for 3.5 weeks now and over the weekend I had a hair algea explosion. First came the diatom algea which went away on it's own then the hair algea started cropping up.
I started the cycle with two jumbo shrimp and left them in there for roughly 5 days until it started to stink pretty bad. I also used an onld filter pad from my current tank.
The Amonia has spiked and gone down to 0ppm the Nitrite is coming down right now and the Nitrate is starting to rise. So my cycle is doing exactly what it is supposed to do.
My light cycle was roughly 8 hours a day and I recently cut it back to 4 hours due to the hair algea problem. My alkalinity is 9 right now and my calcium is running in the 200 range.
Please let me know what i can do to resolve my hair algea problem.
My tank has been cycling for 3.5 weeks now and over the weekend I had a hair algea explosion. First came the diatom algea which went away on it's own then the hair algea started cropping up.
I started the cycle with two jumbo shrimp and left them in there for roughly 5 days until it started to stink pretty bad. I also used an onld filter pad from my current tank.
The Amonia has spiked and gone down to 0ppm the Nitrite is coming down right now and the Nitrate is starting to rise. So my cycle is doing exactly what it is supposed to do.
My light cycle was roughly 8 hours a day and I recently cut it back to 4 hours due to the hair algea problem. My alkalinity is 9 right now and my calcium is running in the 200 range.
Please let me know what i can do to resolve my hair algea problem.