I have (2) green chromis damsel
(1) fiji damsel
(1) bi-color angel (about 2")
(1) hippo tang. (about 1-1/2")
i was thinking of adding a flame angel but read that angels are aggressive towards each other.
i also have (2) large mexican turbo snails for cleaning
what other fish can i look to add to the tank and
should i have other cleaners?
don't want any other fish that grows above 3-4"
(1) fiji damsel
(1) bi-color angel (about 2")
(1) hippo tang. (about 1-1/2")
i was thinking of adding a flame angel but read that angels are aggressive towards each other.
i also have (2) large mexican turbo snails for cleaning
what other fish can i look to add to the tank and
should i have other cleaners?
don't want any other fish that grows above 3-4"