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Long Island
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ok well by now everyone know i am new and true to this so here is my question. do i have to raise me mag before i start adding cal and alk my alk is now at 10 and cal at 400 want to get to 420 450 but never goes over 400 mag is at 1000 wont go higher. started using brightwell today. also started using esv two part cal/alk:shhh:


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Your Mg is too low so you should dose for it. Your Mg should be around 1300 ppm. I dose ESV Mg, Cal., and Alk. Mg helps keep Calcium from precipitating, but if you want a detailed explanation you can read this article:


I know nothing about Brightwell so I do not know if their products will influence the levels of these additives.


Acan Crazy
pocono's pa
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each product use use has a calculator on how much to dose when your parameters at certain levels and also how many gallons you have.also dose all three but in intervals dont mix them give at least a couple minuste between each 1.

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