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New York
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ok so i added two clowns to my tank on friday. they were great until yesterday morning. they were fighting like crazy. then subsided. today i woke up fed them and one of the clowns was beating the other over and over. for over 2 hrs in front of me...even when i shut the lights... both are the same size but one is submissive. i left for work and came home around 9 hours later and the submissive one was laying against the overflow barely flapping. looks pretty light in color. he has moved now and just swimming and going sideways then swimming etc...almost like when they sleep... and the one that was beating up on the other is flying around the tank breathing heavy in and out of every crevice and hitting into walls and everything. literally crashing....and hes light in color but isnt touching the ther submissive clown

water parameters yesterday...

doing more tests now..

salt is 1025 [on a hydrometer]
temp 78
ph 8.2
calc 420
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
phosphate 0
alk 9dkh

what could it be?

tests now...

ph 8.2
salt 1025
nitrate 0
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
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Advanced Reefer
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maybe they just didn't want to pair up, sometimes it happens, is not you, and a lot of times, ORA are not ORA. A lot of scammers out there.

2 females? huh?


Advanced Reefer
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if you have a group of ORA clowns, is kinda hard to get 2 females from the same tank, Only one dominant male turns female, rarely you get 2. Was there anymore clowns in that tank that you purchased it from?


Forever Noob
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He said they are about same size. It's tough at that point unless there's a distinct difference.

ORA or not, it's a fact that clowns once changed to female do not revert back, that's why I asked. Clowns pair once a hierarchy is established and one morphs... to the female.

2 Females=UFC in a fish tank if the tank isn't big enough
New York
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hey ALL!
i turned on the tank today and they we both looking good. i watched the dominant one go over too the other 3 times and finally he followed...they are hanging out and swimming together. no fighting at all but he seems a little timid of her and keeps swimming around gracefully in the front of the tank . seems like they are ok... maybe they paired.

i got them from aquatic obsessions in jersey, the guy had alot of nice fish and insured me they are both ORA

these were the only two clowns in the tank along with goby and a small angel i recall

i don believe they are both female because only one was actually fighting. and she really wasnt doing any tearing or bad biting since all of his fins are in tact, more or less showing dominance with the chase and small bite lol... both fish color seems to have revitalized.
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From my experience of wholesale wild caught and farm raised clowns. If there are a lot of them in the same tank, the tank raised ones seems more likely to enagage in a domination fight than the wild ones, once they start to get used to the new environment. For example, when I got a shipment of hundred nano clowns and put them in one tank with rocks and more natural environment than the breeding tub, they all stay together in one or two groups in the tank for the first week(possibiliy due to fear.) Then all of a sudden after the peaceful period, you will see fights broke out everywhere in different areas of the tank as if each of them wants to tell the other "this rock is mine." You will frequently see if a weaker one runs, there will be a third one suddenly join to attack him as well while the two attacking ones are NOT paired. After 3 4 days of skirmishes, everything back to normal, they hang out in may be 3 or 4 groups and a lot of loners. The good part is that no one die from the fight. The major danger of this domination fight is when one gets so startled that it jumps and fell on the carpet and dried.

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