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Long Island
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ok question to all have two 24" fixture with 2t5's ea with 1x150w MH HQI ea what will be a good time program for my mix reef tank . current t5's 8am to 11am MH 11am to 8pm t5's till 10 then moon lights. All input will be welcomed:shhh:


Advanced Reefer
New York
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your corals will probably be fine with about 8hrs of halides. anything more that that is mostly for your benefit not theirs. also, the longer you run your lights the more algae you will grow and the more electricity you will end up using.


Old School Reefer
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Much too many hours of MH lighting. I'd recommend (opinions vary) T5's for 8 hrs. and MH's for 6 hrs.

I can't tell you when to have the lights cycle on and off because that is a very personal preference. Most people like to have the lights go on when they are home. I don't see a purpose in having the lights on while you're at work or school and then turn off when you get home. When would you get to enjoy the tank?

In summary:

T5's go on at 'zero hour'
MH's go on at 'zero +1 hr'
MH's go off at 'zero +7 hrs'
T5's go off at 'zero + 8 hrs'
moonlights go on at 'zero + 8 hrs'
moonlights go off at 'zero + 10 hrs'

Hope this helped


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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i try to mimic the natural day out on the reef where these corals are collected. algae should not grow in your tank if your nutrient levels are low, no matter how much or what color temp the light is.

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