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Light deprivation, climate change, etc can cause die off. You might want to just empty out the water and put it outside to die off completely and when it it needed put it in the tank to cycle from scratch.


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Thanks chief. Thinking about that I never had it out of the water as soon as I broke down my tank I put it in buckets that day. But I used the water in my tank wich got all stired up. I just bought a used 55 gallon tank should I set this up and put the rock in there with hang on skimmer or just let it dry out? Also am I going to keep getting this smell when I go to cure it again?


Franklin NJ
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your curing it rite now. the smell will stick around for a couple of weeks. skimmer would be a big plus but make sure you have a lot of storage area for the skimmate, your going to get a lot. its going to take in the neighborhood of 6 weeks or so to get it back to something decent to put in a tank. it will be a lot of work but my vote is for keeping it wet to save what you can. strange that you would have such a large die off like that without having it out of the water.


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Well if you have a 55 laying around a can filter and a skimmer then I would say run the filter with carbon, skim the heck out of it and try to bring it back. If you don't have the room, then I would start from scratch but that's just what I would do. The rock can and will bounce back if you have the room. Also do a water change if you set the 55 up with the rock, since it is only rock shouldn't hurt it.


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Ok thanks guys a million tomorrow I will set the canister filter along with protein skimmer problem with skimmer it's a small hang on how would I keep up with the skimate? Any ideas? Man this sucks lol thank you both for helping me out


Franklin NJ
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you could try this. when the skimmate level rises it should drain out the trap line as long as you keep a prime in the trap line. also keep the top of the trap level below the top of the skimmer neck. you could use some air line tube for this. be sure you prime the whole line, not just the trap, as you would for siphoning.
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