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ok i just broke down my 120 gallon tank wich had about 200 pounds of rock in it. its been in the buckets for 3 to 4 days now, and im starting to notice a foul smell comming from the bucket, i did a water change inside and it was ok for a few days now im starting to get the smell again. Whats going on? and what should i do, i do have a heater , powerhead, and some light on it so im not sure what the hell is going on!!!???


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Sound Beach,LI
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It gotta be the die off you are smellin. Ive never kept LR in buckets or tubs but from Ive been reading its good to keep the powerhead and heater in there but not too sure about the light. It might cause an algae bloom, of some sort. I would definately keep changing the water in the buckets. That should keep the smell down. What do you plan to do with all of the rock?


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How much rock do you have? I doubt you can fit that much rock in 1 bucket. If all the rocks were kept in the same bucket w a powerhead, should be fine. the smell might be from dying plant matter due to insuffiecient lighting, or might be critters dying due to a lack of food, there are a lot more living creatures than you think in those rocks., keep up with the waterchanges and try to set up your new tank ASAP


Franklin NJ
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if you can get a skimmer on the buckets i would do that. it will help pull out organics in between water changes. how long was the rock out of water? i have moved quite a bit of rock and the only time i have had die off is when i would leave it dry for an extended period of time. in the mean time keep up the water changes so the rock doesnt have too much contact time to absorb the phos and nitrate that the die off is filling up your water with.


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I have a canister ehiem filter. Should I use that? I run powerheads now in the buckets. I have a 55 tank and 2 buckets filled with rock and only one bucket is giving me a hard time if I run the canister filter what should I put in the chambers inside?

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Franklin NJ
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its organic matter from all of the life that died off. as it decomposes it turns to oils and goo. i would suggest more water changes your recuring your rock all over again. i asked earlier in this thread. How long did you have it out of water? another silly question, but i have to ask it is in salt water rite?

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