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Experienced Reefer
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Hello all I am new to MR . I am trying to setup my 72g bowfront tank sometime this week and I need a little assistance. this is my first saltwater tank I am trying to put together. All I have is the tank and the stand. I would like to put two lionfish in the tank. What other fish are compatible and is it safe to add another one or two fish? As far as setup what are the best steps to setup my tank as far as filter type and supplies that I will need? Thank you in advance!


Advanced Reefer
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Not sure why no one has responded here. Maybe they are all busy with the hollidays. This might fit better in the beginners forum. In any case there is lots to read before you get started. So either buy some books or read all you can on this site about setting up a new tank before you buy any more stuff. Trial and error is very costly in this hobby and can make you lose interest as well. So read first. You can also get lots of info at wetwebmedia.com.
Good luck.


Advanced Reefer
Douglaston, NY
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Yes, lots to read on. but first I say read up on how to care and feed lionfishes and the equipment required. Find out what other fishes are compatible with lionfishes.

As for equpment, since you are getting fish only versus reef, get a protien skimmer and hang-on filter and you're all set.


Advanced Reefer
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I think u need to focus on the tank lights sump/filter live rock test kits ect.its good to think about what u want to stock in the tank but that will be in a while.u need 2 cycle the live rock ect..read read and read some more im sure more people will add more


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Aquarium,Stand,Lighting,Skimmer,External filter,Powerhead,Heater,Thermometer,Hydrometer,
Marine test kits,Salt mix,Aragonite sand,Background.
Books,5Gallon plastic bucket(s),Carpenter's level,Duct tape,Razor blade,Light timer,GFI.


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1.Assemble the Equipment mentioned above and make sure the tank is level.
2.Prepare for filling the tank with water.
3.Add saltwater ,check specific gravity and all the equipment.
4.Add live/dead rocks and substrate, over the next few weeks the tank will begin to grow algae.
5.Check nitrates,PH and temperature ,make adjustments if necessary.
6.Complete the aquascape and add live stock slowly.
7.Upgrade the Hardware and Software in the weeks to come.
8.Sit back and enjoy,don't forget to read .:bagfish:


Advanced Reefer
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All the advice on the top are pretty useful/accurate, IMO, your biggest investment should be the skimmer, if you can, go 1-2 sizes up. the bigger the skimmer the better, live rock is a bit pricey, but you can probably get it from one of the reefers here, seen some great price on them, try to get as much as you can. BTW, w/ the lionfish, you could put anything you want with it, as long as you don't think it'll fit in its mouth.


Experienced Reefer
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i use a wet dry with my reef tanks i just took out all the bio balls and replaced it with rubble rock. the tank is been running for a year now and is on cruise control keeping my fingers crossed. but i am upgrading and will be using a sump it is safer and easier in a lot of ways. just my two cents. goood luck with everything and yes PATIENCE


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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A reminder about LFS.
There is one in your borough that will tell you whatever they can to sell you something. The prices are great, but the advice is not always on target.

With everything you hear make sure you have a consensus, or a trustworthy source, before you make any purchases.


Experienced Reefer
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Thank you for all the input. I went to 3 aquarium stores today and got 3 different answers about filtering my system. I did not note that my tank is not drilled. I was told the best way to go is with a canister filter and a skimmer. Is this true?


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Thank you for all the input. I went to 3 aquarium stores today and got 3 different answers about filtering my system. I did not note that my tank is not drilled. I was told the best way to go is with a canister filter and a skimmer. Is this true?
There are many different ways to set up the filtration system on a marine ecosystem and different kinds of filtration.You have to decide if you have enough space,money and which one or two is right for you.


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Thank you for all the input. I went to 3 aquarium stores today and got 3 different answers about filtering my system. I did not note that my tank is not drilled. I was told the best way to go is with a canister filter and a skimmer. Is this true?

No a canister filter is useless. It actually traps wastes and becomes more detrimental to your water quality.

Your "helpful bacteria" which completes your nitrogen cycle (google term) will populate your rock. The rest of the game is removing wastes and keeping things stable. The single most effective tool to remove waste in a saltwater tank is a QUALITY protein skimmer. Chemical medias such as phosban and carbon are extremely helpful as well. Refugiums(a separate tank growing types of macro algae) are effective at removing wastes as well but a space must be dedicated for this.

Since your tank is not drilled you must decide if you want to take the initiative to add a hang on overflow and sump. This would great improve your filtration options but there would be more of a learning curve with the plumbing and water level etc.

PS don't buy any equipment from your LFS without asking here first. You will most likely buy a piece of junk and have poor results otherwise :) Besides most of the time if you order online it is much cheaper anyway.
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