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Hey, I am new to manhattan reef and saltwater hobbie. Just started about alittle over 2 months ago i have 3 tanks going and looking for a little input. I have a 55 gal agressive; tank doing very well. A 20 gal for my kids w/ a clown, damsel, bleeny and some zoos. I am wondering if i should put a skimmer on it and if so what kind?! I'd like to max it out with what ever I can. Also, would anyone recommend putting a sump? I know this is probably a little much for my first post, but I would also like in-put on my 90 gal. reef aquarium. To be continued...Thax in advance!


Old School Reefer
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I am wondering if i should put a skimmer on it and if so what kind?! I'd like to max it out with what ever I can. Also, would anyone recommend putting a sump? I know this is probably a little much for my first post, but I would also like in-put on my 90 gal. reef aquarium. To be continued...Thax in advance!

A skimmer can only help the tank. Is it required? No. Would the tank benefit from it? IMO absolutely yes.

I am really liking the CPR HOB AeroForce Skimmer. Your 20g is a perfect tank for this skimmer.

As for the sump, another addition that is not required. However, it is an opportunity for you to add more volume to your system (adds to stability), a place to hide your equipment, ie: heater, probes, reactors, skimmer.



north jersey
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Hey, I am new to manhattan reef and saltwater hobbie. Just started about alittle over 2 months ago i have 3 tanks going and looking for a little input. I have a 55 gal agressive; tank doing very well. A 20 gal for my kids w/ a clown, damsel, bleeny and some zoos. I am wondering if i should put a skimmer on it and if so what kind?! I'd like to max it out with what ever I can. Also, would anyone recommend putting a sump? I know this is probably a little much for my first post, but I would also like in-put on my 90 gal. reef aquarium. To be continued...Thax in advance!

are all the tanks just over two months old? which tank are you thinking about the the skimmer and sump? and you mentioned a 90 gal. reef...is that already set up or in the process?
each tank you mentioned may benefit from various equipments depending on what animals (fish and corals) you are planning to keep. if you would add details specific to each tank and its occupants then we can see what you can add that may be beneficial.


"Need Help"
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Hey thanks Masterswimmer, I'll keep your info for future reference... I was hopeing to spend a little less money, being I have spent a small fortune setting up the three tanks already. Also, what are probes and do you have any suggestions on how to get my phos-reactor working. I can't seem to get it syphening. Thanks again!


Old School Reefer
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Probes are used with monitors and controllers. You can get them to monitor/control pH, calcium, salinity, ORP, temp, etc.

The phosphate reactor should be used with a small pump like a minijet 404. Siphoning the flow won't push the water through the media.



"Need Help"
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First off, my wife and I love your pic! LOL Great! Anywho, a little information on our tanks.
Our 55 gal. is over 2 months old. It is our "Agressive Tank". We are running it with a canister filter, Cora-Life Protein skimmer and a penguin 200 filter. In it we have live rock, live sand, 2 emerald green crabs, 1 volitan lion, 1 lunare wrasse, 1 picasso (humu humu) and 1 niger.

Our 20 gal. is about 1 1/2 months old. That one has live rock, live sand, couple snails, 1 damsel, 1 true percula and 1 algae blenny. There are a few zoos in there at the time being and we are thinking about putting an anemone in there. That one is running on a 70 gal. hang-on tetra filter.

Our 90 gal. is our baby. It is an Oceanic that is running on a 130 gal. sump, cora-life protein skimmer, kent phos-reactor, and a penguin 400 filter. In it we have live sand, crushed coral, about 100lbs of live rock. Fish: Coral Beauty, purple firefish, 3 chromis, bangai cardinal, diamond spotted goby, convic blenny. Inverts: cleaner shrimp, 2 coral banded shrimp, 4 emerald crabs, an assortment of snails and hermit crabs, serpent starfish. Coral: Bubble tip anemon (doesn't seem to be doing to well), long tentacle abemones (2), green star polyps, kenya tree coral, coco worm, med. yellow leather toadstool, open brain coral, closed brain coral, fox coral, hammer coral, metalic green torch, assorted mushrooms, giant cup mushroom, assorted polyps, gargonia tree, yellow sebae anemone, galaxea coral and my favorite an orange/rust color war acon coral. There are 2 that we are unsure what their names are.

Also wondering what is the best type of uv sterilizer to run on the 90 gal. tank.

thank you all in advance.....

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