Looking to buy new. I don?t want to worry if "will that coral be ok with my lights" I would like to be able to keep a large variety of coral. Would like to stay in the $300 range.
at least 6 x 54 watt t-5 or 2 x 250 watt halides. no, you don't need moonlights. i don't know about staying in the 300 dollar range though...you might want to look into used.
In my research I have found 2 w/ at least 6x54 watts, that the reviews are good and are in my price range. Is the 428w overkill. Is there that much of a differance in electric bill?
Current Nova Extreme Pro Saltwater T-5 Fixtures ; 48"; 324 watt; $360
Nova Extreme T-5 Fixtures w/Lunar Lights; 48"; 432 watts; $383
The Nova Extreme Pro is a great fixture (6x54w) ... I personally run 2 250W MH and 2 96W PC over my tank.
There shouldn't be a difference in your bill ... but I wouldn't worry TOO much about the lights causing a spike ... usually the return pumps, skimmer ... etc.etc. which run 24/7 that will cause it.
It's a fish tank ... it costs money, and quite a bit of it, to run them ... Be prepared for an increase no matter what.
Thanks for the info. I have a 29 reef (1.5 years) and a 72 fish salt water (7 years) about 1 to 1.5 years ago I started using RO water in the 72. The 29 is going well. I was thinking for $20 more i get lunar lights (I work late afternoon and nights so at least I can check out the tank when I get home without turning on lights) and2 more lights at 54 watts each. More watts will be ok?
the 6 bulb fixture will not work properly over the bowfront - since the ends taper down to 12" and the T5 fixture is 16" at each square end, it's going to pose some issues for you mounting it on the tank. Just make sure you can fit it - if you go with 6 bulb, you're going to lose some light and that may be a waste of cash.
I found a 4x54watt w/12,000k that is 12" wide and will fit $250
I found a 6x54watt w/10,000k that is 12" wide and will fit for $360
I found a 8x54watt w/10,000k that is 14" wide which can be hung from ceiing for $380
Should I not worry about the front 4" part of the bow having lights?
Should I go with the larger light and not worry about the extra light not hitting the water?
If I was to go with one of the 12" fixtures should I go with 324 watts over 6 bulbs or 216 watts over 4 bulbs but has 2,000k more on 2 bulbs