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Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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I tried the Tunze and I just don't understand how it gets good reviews. It really doesn't produce much air.

totally agree, imo i think the tunze is junk, i actually have a solana skimmer on my 24g ap and love it, and i have had a few nano skimmer's, could i get a better skimmer ? yes, but one of the biggest problems with nano's is the ability to keep the back level of water where the skimmer is stable, i added a acrylic baffle so the skimmer water lever never changes and the solana skimmer pulls nice dark skimmate and isnt loud


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Suffolk County
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Thanks Rich. That's one big skimmer you got there. :)
I have just over 4 inches from my tank to the wall. Please don't ask me to move it.

Any info on this skimmer?


That looks like the Euro Reef Nano skimmer... I've read good things but don't have any personal experience.

FWIW, I'm with Rich on the skimmers. The Warner Marine H1 (or even H2) is a much better skimmer than the ones being mentioned, IMHO... The Tunze 9002 is a good, quiet skimmer, but I wouldn't use it on anything larger than the 34 gallon Solana.


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That looks like the Euro Reef Nano skimmer... I've read good things but don't have any personal experience.

Yes it is the Euro Reef Nano Skimmer. Euro Reef is now Nano Reef Systems or just selling their design. I don't know the connection between the two companies. I sent an email to Nano Reef Systems and hopefully will know soon.


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Thanks for all the advice here. I'm working on modifying my stock skimmer. I'm doing some mods to the impeller and I may switch to a maxijet 400 or 600 pump. If I'm not happy with the results I may end up getting the Warner Marine H1.


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More info here:
http://www.atbskimmers.com/products/inventory.php?category=Multi-Use Skimmers


westbury ny
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Just curious why are you guys limiting yourself to skimmers that only fit in the back compartment of the solana? Do you realize that there are skimmers that will blow away the Tunze and sapphire for a comparable price? I tried the Tunze and I just don't understand how it gets good reviews. It really doesn't produce much air.

I agree. I own the tunze. It is very tough to dial in because it constantly needs to be redialed.
I feel the original skimmer does a MUCH better job. I have never gotten as much skimmate with the tunze as I did with Stock. The problem with the stock skimmer is NOISE.
My tank is 2 feet from my couch, so noise level is important.
Also, the Stevie T collection cup is a pain in the balls. It constantly need to be leveled out because it is so heavy on one side. He shouldn't have made it so long. It could be smaller and square. It would take 2 months to fill this cup on this skimmer, and it probaly still would not be full.
If I could figure out a way to qiet the stock skimmer. I would change back in a minute.
P.S. The tunze does skimm much better with the original collection cup. I dont know why steviet didnt use a tapered collection tube, like the stock cup has.
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I agree. I own the tunze. It is very tough to dial in because it constantly needs to be redialed.
I feel the original skimmer does a MUCH better job. I have never gotten as much skimmate with the tunze as I did with Stock. The problem with the stock skimmer is NOISE.
My tank is 2 feet from my couch, so noise level is important.
Also, the Stevie T collection cup is a pain in the balls. It constantly need to be leveled out because it is so heavy on one side. He shouldn't have made it so long. It could be smaller and square. It would take 2 months to fill this cup on this skimmer, and it probaly still would not be full.
If I could figure out a way to qiet the stock skimmer. I would change back in a minute.
P.S. The tunze does skimm much better with the original collection cup. I dont know why steviet didnt use a tapered collection tube, like the stock cup has.

I have to agree with you completely. While I've never used the stock one (it sits under the stand waiting for my lazy ass to sell it on marketplace) I'm not very happy with tunze. It needs frequent tweaking, sometimes to the point where I'm getting really pissed. While it's working properly and not wet-skim, it collects some nasty stuff, but if the water level change just a little bit, I have to tweak it. I am seriously thinking of selling both the tunze and stock skimmer and buy a HOB one. Cpr Aeroforce anyone? Or warmer marine? Maybe reef octopus?


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I did a mesh mod to the stock Solana skimmer that greatly quieted it down. There's lot's of ways to do the mod, most include cutting off the impeller fins but I didn't want to do that. Basically I drilled holes through the fins and sewed in triangles of Scotchbrite using dental floss. (Enkamat and fishing line would have been better but I had neither.) It both improved performance and made it quieter. The Scotchbrite shredded a bit so I'll probably redo it with Enkamat.

I also just got an Aquaticlife 115 skimmer. It's gotten some great reviews, it's tiny, and it's real cheap. It's so small that it fits in all 3 of the Solana's sump chambers. I have it in the return chamber along with my ATO senser. I hope to post a review soon but I'm currently treating my tank for ich with Herbtana which requires that the skimmer be turn off.

After buying the Aquaticlife I bought came across a used Tunze with a SteiveT cup and couldn't resist. Hope to be able to write a comparative review of the three skimmers after I do some testing.
Woodbury NY
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Slurping Solona/Cardiff Muffler Mod

To quiet the horrible slurping noise the stock skimmer makes, connect a cheap plastic t-valve (mine came from Walmart) and extend the intake tube with several more feet of tubing. Run the line down behind the tank, into the stand, under the couch, out the window, where ever. All should be left is some impeller noise maybe from the resrticted water flow from those three small holes in the impeller cover (maybe drilling extra holes in the impeller cover will help, but too much might reduce the air bubbles). Connecting a quiet adjustable air pump might help.

Hope this helps, LMK :Hydrogen:


Old School Reefer
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To quiet the horrible slurping noise the stock skimmer makes, connect a cheap plastic t-valve (mine came from Walmart) and extend the intake tube with several more feet of tubing. Run the line down behind the tank, into the stand, under the couch, out the window, where ever.

Hal, have you done a power outage test with that extra tubing under your couch, behind/under the stand, where ever? The tubing runs to your skimmer pump. Therefore it has a supply of water. If the pump shuts off, guess where your siphon is going to originate from if the tubing is below the pump. :tub:

Sounds like a flood in the making ;) Hope I didn't rain on your parade. Just don't want you to find yourself ankle deep in saltwater at 3am.



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Hal, House is right. Whenever you run a hose from inside the tank to below the water surface you are risking a flood. A siphon could start by moving stuff around or by some 1-in-million freak occurrence. It isn't worth the risk. There are mufflers that you can put on the air inlet. I used one that came with an MJ1200 pump. Noise is also very subjective so it's no surprise that some people find the stock skimmer noisy while others don't. The air noise can be pretty much eliminated with a muffler but there is still what I think is pump vibration noise. Having run the stock skimmer, a Tunze 9002, and an Aquaticlife 115 on my Solana I can say that the stock skimmer is relatively louder than the other two. All these skimmers are louder than the return pump and my powerhead.
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Woodbury NY
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I find the extra length of tubing acts as an excellent muffler too. I have to put it to my ear to hear that slurping noise. The end of the tube can be hooked up above the water line or a check valve can be plugged in. Look carefully where the tubing connects into the skimmer pump you can see water trying to back up into the tube causing that incessant slurp slurp slurp. I almost went crazy...:)

I think the vibration is actually turbulence. Hook up a small air pump to the inlet tube and see how the skimmer quiets down. It cuts back on flow but demonstrates my point.

How did the impeller mod work out? Im going over Houses place and take a good listen to his skimmer... oh Ruuu-usssss!


Old School Reefer
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I find the extra length of tubing acts as an excellent muffler too. I have to put it to my ear to hear that slurping noise. The end of the tube can be hooked up above the water line or a check valve can be plugged in. Look carefully where the tubing connects into the skimmer pump you can see water trying to back up into the tube causing that incessant slurp slurp slurp. I almost went crazy...:)

I think the vibration is actually turbulence. Hook up a small air pump to the inlet tube and see how the skimmer quiets down. It cuts back on flow but demonstrates my point.

How did the impeller mod work out? Im going over Houses place and take a good listen to his skimmer... oh Ruuu-usssss!

No check valve, but raising the tubing up higher than the waterline is fine. Check valves will only restrict the air intake, hence reduced output from an already agreed upon marginal skimmer at best isn't the optimal way to go.

I think your evaluation of the pump, tubing, vibration is a fair assessment. Good job Sherlock :lol_large

Now lets eliminate the moan in my name and all will be perfect ;)

Russ, not house :)

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