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Right now your only option is the tunze 9002

Chief, why?

Many skimmers will fit on a solana, hang on the back though, not inside the chamber. I really like the looks of the new CPR Aeroforce and the Warner H1. Deltec mce 300+600 are great too but only worth the money if you can find used IMO.


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I was going to replace my Solana Skimmer. But first I thought I would try modifying the impeller. If you dont know what I'm talking about there is a thread on this site and nanoreef that explains it. Basically you attach a piece of plastic or rubber mesh on the impeller. It creates a ton more bubbles. Now it works great. I will probably upgrade eventually though.

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I use tunze 9002 with steviet collection cup and it's great. I still don't have enough experience to compare it to other skimmers, but mine is producing a lot of skimmate and it's dead silent. It's a little tricky to set-up and you probably have to move the magnet to the wider side of the skimmer to fit it in chamber one easily, but it's worth it.


Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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I use tunze 9002 with steviet collection cup and it's great. I still don't have enough experience to compare it to other skimmers, but mine is producing a lot of skimmate and it's dead silent. It's a little tricky to set-up and you probably have to move the magnet to the wider side of the skimmer to fit it in chamber one easily, but it's worth it.
I love this skimmer in my Sloana tanks. I heard they out of business .http://reefbuilders.com/2009/02/06/sapphire-aquatics-outs-solanacardiff-nano-skimmer/
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Does the impeller mod on the stock skimmer get rid of the noise? For me the noise is the drawback. The Solana is my first tank so I have no basis of comparison but a lot of people have reported that the stock skimmer functions pretty well.

I took the pump out of the skimmer and found that the pump by itself is almost completely quiet so I'm not sure why that thing is so loud, vibrations perhaps.

A Tunze 9002 plus a StevieT cup gets close to $200. After spending the money you have to cut off and reglue the magnet. I've also read that the Tunze is a bit sensitive to adjustments and requires a fair bit of maintenance so I'm hoping for an alternative.


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Just curious why are you guys limiting yourself to skimmers that only fit in the back compartment of the solana? Do you realize that there are skimmers that will blow away the Tunze and sapphire for a comparable price? I tried the Tunze and I just don't understand how it gets good reviews. It really doesn't produce much air.


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Just curious why are you guys limiting yourself to skimmers that only fit in the back compartment of the solana? Do you realize that there are skimmers that will blow away the Tunze and sapphire for a comparable price? I tried the Tunze and I just don't understand how it gets good reviews. It really doesn't produce much air.

I got an AIO for the clean appearance without the complications of sump. Now if you could recommend an HOB skimmer that would not stick up too much, add no more than 4-5 inches to the back, and be really quiet, I would be interested.
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Rich the whole point behind the All in one for me was to keep things nice and neat.


Sucka Free Reefin' !!!
Westwood, NJ
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Yeah I think when compared to all skimmers the tunze 9002 is mediocre at best. For it's niche market however, it is amazing in many ways and has absolutely no competition since sapphire aquatics is no longer around. It is small, easy to operate, requires minimal maintenance, is very quiet and doesn't use much eletricity.


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If it helps here is the Deltec MCE 600 on my solana. I guess this isn't that neat and clean:biglaugh: but the inside of the tank stays neat and clean ;)


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