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New York City
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Hey Kathy...well Im just gonna have them test the "vitals" (ammonia, trates, trites, ph) to gauge how my cycle is going....i'll probably pick up the test kit then, so i can start testing on my own.
The quote is from nano-reef.com:
May keep to LPS and softies......early on.....if i just cant stay away from SPS in the future i guess I'll just have to adapt...:banghead:


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I've heard that skimmer argument again and again... Personally, I think most of the trace elements are in superphysiologic doses in the salt mixes we make. I personally protein skim and definitely see benefits through being able to "overfeed" my tank. I think keeping nitrates and phosphates in check while being able to supply your reef with an abundance of food is much more important than the multitude of trace elements we know very little about.


Advanced Reefer
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I strongly recommend a skimmer when you're starting out. The article you quoted is considered somewhat outdated, and skimmers have been shown to be much more beneficial than any other method of filtration.

If you want to go skimmerless later on, you'll be armed with some experience.


Barnum Island
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I've heard that skimmer argument again and again... Personally, I think most of the trace elements are in superphysiologic doses in the salt mixes we make. I personally protein skim and definitely see benefits through being able to "overfeed" my tank. I think keeping nitrates and phosphates in check while being able to supply your reef with an abundance of food is much more important than the multitude of trace elements we know very little about.

Excellent post (IMHO)

Remember - it is called a 'protein' skimmer for a reason :)
..and they also help to aerate your water.
Bottom line is they do way more good than harm.


Old School Reefer
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Rayzor, all the information and suggestions Kathy has provided are spot on.

The technical term for a protein skimmer is actually foam fractionator. This piece of equipment removes dissolved organic compounds (DOC's). As Kathy stated, it also oxygenates your water and does much more good than bad. There are certainly reefers that don't run protein skimmers, but these are historically more advanced reefers that have experience with saltwater husbandry and more specifically successfully maintaining coral and inverts. IMO you would benefit greatly by running a skimmer.

Using a sump with your system and using an external overflow such as the Eshopps or CPR overflow boxes requires more precise installation and finesse than running a drilled tank. Certain information you've been given needs to be corrected. I'd hate to see you have a flood based on it. You really should consider using an overflow box with a higher flow rate than 300 gph. It is IMPOSSIBLE for an overflow box to overflow water faster than your return pump puts it into the tank (providing you have no leaks in the tank). Therefore it is of utmost importance for you to pair your return pump with a larger overflow box than your pump can return. For example, use an overflow box that can handle 600 gph and a return pump that can only return 500-600 gph at the elevation of your tank return with backpressure taken into consideration.

The API Saltwater Master Test Kit is fine for you to complete your cycle. I would NOT use the API Reefmaster Test Kit. The Salifert individual kits are much more precise and appropriate for maintaining a reef.

I hope this helps. If you have any questions going forward I'd be happy to help.



Experienced Reefer
New York City
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Thanks for commenting Masterswimmer....my brain itself is flooding with all kinds of information....some of which I definitely get and some of which is a little overwhelming to me.....but I am trying to absorb it all...because I want my reef to eventually be a successful one....
Can anyone reccomend an appropriately sized skimmer for a tank my size...(30 gallon long).....
I see that many of the nano reef keeper are using something called a Bak-Pak....in my tank right now I have only LR and Aragonite (approaching week 4 cycle)....i guess that the suggestions will also depend on what I am planning to keep.....
I think early on I will stick to the hardier softies and LPS's, some CUC members and maybe a goby to keep the substrate overturned...and ( if possible later down the road) 1 or 2 small fish...I am hoping to develop more of a reef tank than a fish one......
Also the last thing i want in my Apt is a flood so I am extremely receptive to any reccomendations about sumps....but that will come down the road i guess.....but i will want a skimmer (presumably) that I will be able to (later on) incorporate into my sump.....with that in mind....thank you for your help....now and any future advice i may recieve..........


Old School Reefer
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The Bak Pak skimmer you're referring to is made by CPR. The same company makes a skimmer called the AeroForce. IMO this skimmer is much better. It is a recirculating skimmer that produces a great amount of skimmate (the yucky blackish/greenish thick gunk that comes out the top). It uses two pumps, both included and can either hang on the tank or be set up as in-sump.



Experienced Reefer
New York City
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Thanks masterswimmer....I had just read a lttle on the skimmer u mentioned this afternoon....great to know that it can be used both as an HOB and in sump.....that could make life easier when I get around to diying my sump later down the road.....

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Experienced Reefer
New York City
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Just finished my late night order for the CPR Aeroforce Recirculating Protein Skimmer...thanks for the suggestion masterswimmer and for the advice: kathyC and green....figured its better to safe than sorry.....Thought about getting the CPR AquaFuge Hang-on Refugium thought it might save me the trouble of building my own but as I read on its seems that this model is or will be discontinued and beside its considerably more expensive than the Aeroforce and holds only a few gallons of water.... so I stuck with the Aeroforce which seems to have some solid reviews and many comments on its versatility as an HOB and its in-Sump readiness......
Got my test Kits (RedSea) ammonia and Nitrite for now...MA found trites good but a mini-spike in Ammo....most likely from my recent addition of LR.....(Kevin)a most helpful LFS guy says it should a week or two but to check levels in a few days.....(so refreshing to shop somewhere where they know what they're talking about and DONT make u feel like u know nothing):backtotop
Hope it all goes well....want to get a CUC in there to get some housekeeping done:snail:

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