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Greeting MR
I have been on MR for a few months now and have learned a lot from reading all of your threads. But i still have a lot to learn.

I bought a used 28 G JBJ Nano Cube with 150 W MH and cured LR from another member (dont remember his name though). I added a 2" SB and ran the tank for 3 months before adding any livestock to the tank, doing a 3G water change every 2 weeks. Sorry, there was some Hermit crabs and a couple nerite snails that the guy had.

A friend then gave me a pair of Maroon Clowns
And I picked up a RBTA, Cleaner Shrimp, Acan Lord
I have since added another Acan Lord, 3 other Acans, 6 different Zoas, 2 Emerald Crabs, another Cleaner Shrimp, some 10-Turbo Snails, 10-Blue Legged Hermit Crabs, 1 Red legged Hermit Crab, Fighting Conch.

I have not killed anything as of yet. And everything seems to be doing very well. Zoas are all open, Acan Lords are "puffy", nice color on the other Acans.

My water parameters are
Temp- 76
PH- approx 8 (used crappy test strips and I'm color blind so matching the color is a real adventure)
SG- 1.025
Ammonia- 0
Nitrate- embarrassed to say 100 according to Salifert test

My nitrates are still high even after doing a 4 G water change on Saturday. I am going to do another 3 G water change 2morrow and clean out the over flow chamber.

What else can I do to lower my nitrates?
Also I am strongly thinking about getting a ReefKeeper Elite (Net) controller? Thoughts/Opinions/Comments are very appreciated.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Hello JoJo, welcome to the MR family!

I would suggest you step up the w/c to weekly at least until you lower the trates to 20 or better yet 0.;) Are you using RO water at least? Even better RO/DI.;)


Barnum Island
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Welcome to MR :)

Researching - we definitely like that sound of that!! Go you!!

What are you feeding and how are you feeding it (rinising iit off?)

You need to do more than a 3G water change per week.
Are you running a skimmer on the tank?

Are you using a ro/di unit to make your water?

Controllers are nice to have but there are somethings you might want to consider getting first..depending on the answers to the questions :)

Can you post a pic of the tank ...we like our pics around here ya know;)


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Right now I am using distilled water for my water changes. I am still researching RO/DI units and booster pumps.

My friend who gave me the Clowns gave me pellet food as well. I feed them once a day when I get home from work. I don't know exactly what it is. I spot feed the RBTA and all Acans with Rods Food once a week and 2 drops of Phyto Feast every day. Sorry you lost me with rinsing? when i run out of Rod's I am planning on feeding the RBTA silversides, I have to figure out where to get them. LFS's around here arent very helpful with anything but FW supplies.

From your responses, I gather that I should buy a RO/DI unit before a controller?

As soon as i figure out how to post pics I will post some.


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Here are a couple quick shots of my tank. Sorry if the quality is not so good, i took them on my iPhone.

I am not happy with my aquascape. I have been moving rocks around prior to water changes but I can not configure it to my liking. And the more i fiddle with it, the more i worry that I am going to upset the RBTA and he is gonna take a walk and sting/kill the other corals.


Barnum Island
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Are you in an apartment that you might need a booster pump to run the rodi?
I think there is a rodi for sale in our For Sale Forum :) And yes, a rodi and maybe even a skimmer before the controller (you didn't answer about the skimmer :)...but then I tend to ask a lot of questions..lol)

May I ask where in NJ..there are some good stores out your way.

Few are ever totally happy with their aquascaping..close, but ...

ok...went back and took a peek at your pics..ummm, maybe spread them out a bit..make them more into a 'c' shape looking down from the top with the opening of the c toward the front. Not easy to scape a squarish tank without it looking like a volcano..join the club :(
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Sorry about not answering about the skimmer. I do not have 1, yet another thing I am researching. I am thinking about a HOB but I have no idea. I understand its purpose and how it works, but i dont fully understand it. So I have been a little apprehensive about getting 1.

I am in a house, would I still need a booster pump? my friend just got 1 and he says he sees a major difference in the speed at which he produces water and doesnt waste as much.

I am in Middletown, Monmouth County. I have been going to Ocean Gallery and made my 1st trip to Manhattan Aquariums 2 weeks ago. Some1 told me Reef to Reptiles in Neptune, but i havent made my way down there yet.

Part of the problem that i have when trying to figure out my aquascape, I think that the majority of my rock is to big. I only have like 11 pieces of rock. And its also a royal pain trying to plan out where i am going to mount things w/o pulling all the rock out and redo the scape again. its a vicious circle. it is reassuring that others have this problem. I have been checking out the pics that people post and try to figure out how their rock is set up. And i always come to the conclusion that i need a bigger tank in order to have a good looking scape. But I am holding off on that until I have a better grasp of what I'm doing. I need to learn about refugiums, sumps, pumps, plumbing, pretty much every thing other than making water and dumping it into the tank.


Barnum Island
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Sorry about not answering about the skimmer. I do not have 1, yet another thing I am researching. I am thinking about a HOB but I have no idea. I understand its purpose and how it works, but i dont fully understand it. So I have been a little apprehensive about getting 1.

I am in a house, would I still need a booster pump? my friend just got 1 and he says he sees a major difference in the speed at which he produces water and doesnt waste as much.

I am in Middletown, Monmouth County. I have been going to Ocean Gallery and made my 1st trip to Manhattan Aquariums 2 weeks ago. Some1 told me Reef to Reptiles in Neptune, but i havent made my way down there yet.

Part of the problem that i have when trying to figure out my aquascape, I think that the majority of my rock is to big. I only have like 11 pieces of rock. And its also a royal pain trying to plan out where i am going to mount things w/o pulling all the rock out and redo the scape again. its a vicious circle. it is reassuring that others have this problem. I have been checking out the pics that people post and try to figure out how their rock is set up. And i always come to the conclusion that i need a bigger tank in order to have a good looking scape. But I am holding off on that until I have a better grasp of what I'm doing. I need to learn about refugiums, sumps, pumps, plumbing, pretty much every thing other than making water and dumping it into the tank.

There are skimmers made that fit into the back compartment for all-in-one tanks.

A rodi should work effeciently if the filters in it are clean and in good shape - most especially the membrane. The older the cartridges, the slower they will work. Unless you have incredibly low pressure in your home, you shouldn't need a booster pump. You also won't have to make huge quantities of water for a 28g tank..and you can also buy a 75 or 100g per day unit - as they will make it faster than a 50gpd unit ..and it will be good to have when you eventually upgrade your tank size ;)

Waste water from just about any rodi is going to be 1 gallon of rodi water to 3 gallons of waste water..it's just how they work :(

You can make bigger rock smaller...a clean screwdriver & a hammer will do wonders!
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You can make bigger rock smaller...a clean screwdriver & a hammer will do wonders!

hahaa. it funny how breaking the rock never even occurred to me. and its probably the easiest way to fix my dislike of my aquascape.

just an update. I did a 3 G water change last night. I siphoned the water out of the over flow, wow the muck that came out of there, the water was absolutely disgusting, like swamp water. So i am hoping that that will help with my nitrates. I plan on doing a 4-5 G water change this wknd as well. the elimination of nitrates is becoming my new found obsession.


Advanced Reefer
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I don't understand. I've been telling you to get an ro/di since you started few months ago. Then you post and someone tells you get it and now you start looking?
Now on I charge you 45$/hr for consulting fees.

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