Greeting MR
I have been on MR for a few months now and have learned a lot from reading all of your threads. But i still have a lot to learn.
I bought a used 28 G JBJ Nano Cube with 150 W MH and cured LR from another member (dont remember his name though). I added a 2" SB and ran the tank for 3 months before adding any livestock to the tank, doing a 3G water change every 2 weeks. Sorry, there was some Hermit crabs and a couple nerite snails that the guy had.
A friend then gave me a pair of Maroon Clowns
And I picked up a RBTA, Cleaner Shrimp, Acan Lord
I have since added another Acan Lord, 3 other Acans, 6 different Zoas, 2 Emerald Crabs, another Cleaner Shrimp, some 10-Turbo Snails, 10-Blue Legged Hermit Crabs, 1 Red legged Hermit Crab, Fighting Conch.
I have not killed anything as of yet. And everything seems to be doing very well. Zoas are all open, Acan Lords are "puffy", nice color on the other Acans.
My water parameters are
Temp- 76
PH- approx 8 (used crappy test strips and I'm color blind so matching the color is a real adventure)
SG- 1.025
Ammonia- 0
Nitrate- embarrassed to say 100 according to Salifert test
My nitrates are still high even after doing a 4 G water change on Saturday. I am going to do another 3 G water change 2morrow and clean out the over flow chamber.
What else can I do to lower my nitrates?
Also I am strongly thinking about getting a ReefKeeper Elite (Net) controller? Thoughts/Opinions/Comments are very appreciated.
I have been on MR for a few months now and have learned a lot from reading all of your threads. But i still have a lot to learn.
I bought a used 28 G JBJ Nano Cube with 150 W MH and cured LR from another member (dont remember his name though). I added a 2" SB and ran the tank for 3 months before adding any livestock to the tank, doing a 3G water change every 2 weeks. Sorry, there was some Hermit crabs and a couple nerite snails that the guy had.
A friend then gave me a pair of Maroon Clowns
And I picked up a RBTA, Cleaner Shrimp, Acan Lord
I have since added another Acan Lord, 3 other Acans, 6 different Zoas, 2 Emerald Crabs, another Cleaner Shrimp, some 10-Turbo Snails, 10-Blue Legged Hermit Crabs, 1 Red legged Hermit Crab, Fighting Conch.
I have not killed anything as of yet. And everything seems to be doing very well. Zoas are all open, Acan Lords are "puffy", nice color on the other Acans.
My water parameters are
Temp- 76
PH- approx 8 (used crappy test strips and I'm color blind so matching the color is a real adventure)
SG- 1.025
Ammonia- 0
Nitrate- embarrassed to say 100 according to Salifert test
My nitrates are still high even after doing a 4 G water change on Saturday. I am going to do another 3 G water change 2morrow and clean out the over flow chamber.
What else can I do to lower my nitrates?
Also I am strongly thinking about getting a ReefKeeper Elite (Net) controller? Thoughts/Opinions/Comments are very appreciated.