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Barnum Island
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Motor....R u selling a unit? If so, I am interested in taking it off of ur hands.

I was kinda kidding..there is a rodi up on the For Sale forum currently.

If you want to knock the Nitrates down further you will want to do larger water changes..8-10g per week.
Make sure you get that muck/gunk/goo stuff out of your overflow. If it stays in there your trates won't come down. A turkey baster is handy for a task like this.


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I was kinda kidding..there is a rodi up on the For Sale forum currently.

If you want to knock the Nitrates down further you will want to do larger water changes..8-10g per week.
Make sure you get that muck/gunk/goo stuff out of your overflow. If it stays in there your trates won't come down. A turkey baster is handy for a task like this.

I did see the unit that was on 4 sale, i think it was smaller than what u suggested. I would like to buy a unit that would be suitable if/when I upgrade to a larger tank.

I think I got a lot of the filth out of the overflow. Thankfully it didnt have a "goo" consistancy. hahahaa

8-10 G WC's?...... All at 1 shot? or 2 WC's of 4-5 g's?


Advanced Reefer
Ridgewood NY
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All in one shot.
When you do multiple small water changes, part of the water you are taking out is the new water you just put in :(

I agree with Kathy. Change more water, but make sure that the water that your putting in doesn't have nitrates otherwise you'll never get them to zero.

One more thing, how many pounds of LR do you have? medium to large pieces of LR helps a lot to bring down the nitrates.


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Replacing that much water @ once wouldn't shock the system or its inhabitants? (I understand that new water salinity and temp have to be the same as the tank)

I don't mean to sound like I am questioning u... the more questions I ask the better I will understand and not screw up.


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I agree with Kathy. Change more water, but make sure that the water that your putting in doesn't have nitrates otherwise you'll never get them to zero.

One more thing, how many pounds of LR do you have? medium to large pieces of LR helps a lot to bring down the nitrates.

I dont know exactly how much rock I have (lb wise) my best guestimate would be 15 lbs. Most of my rocks are large pieces, hence my frustration with my aquascape? I was thinking about breaking 1 of the larger pieces and reconfiguring my scape.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I would really find a skimmer to put in your tank quickly. Basically any crap in the water lodges onto air bubbles. The air bubbles propell it out of the water. This will have a great impact to water quality. Especially with the bta. They can poop a lot at one time.
Try testing the new water before you put it in the tank. To get a baseline. And as a way to check your test kit.
Make sure there are no compartments in the back of your tank that could be collecting any bunk.
How is the bta? That seems to be the least forgiving out of all your livestock. If it is happy and extended then I would say you are off to a great start. After you figure out the trates.

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I would really find a skimmer to put in your tank quickly. Basically any crap in the water lodges onto air bubbles. The air bubbles propell it out of the water. This will have a great impact to water quality. Especially with the bta. They can poop a lot at one time.
Try testing the new water before you put it in the tank. To get a baseline. And as a way to check your test kit.
Make sure there are no compartments in the back of your tank that could be collecting any bunk.
How is the bta? That seems to be the least forgiving out of all your livestock. If it is happy and extended then I would say you are off to a great start. After you figure out the trates.

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Just picked up a used AquaC Nano Remora skimmer. I have to clean it and get a pump for it. Going to try and get that up and running today. Cant make any promises since it is gonna be so beautiful out and I have a ton of yard work that i have to do.

I start testing my WC water for nitrates. Honestly never thought that the new water would have anything in it, so testing it never even occurred to me.

BTA is doing great. I would say that it has doubled in size since I bought it. It has its days when it doesnt fully open, but so do I so I dont stress about it. Then only thing that I have been wondering a couple things though
- y it doesnt really have the bubble tip look most of the time. and when it does, the "bubble tip" is not very bubbly.
- in an attempt in being satisfied with my scape I have moved the BTA 2 times now. (the rock that it attached itself to) the 1st time I was really worried that I was going to upset it and it was gonna walk around my tank and kill everything, so everything that wasnt mounted was moved. Much to my surprise, the BTA didnt flinch. And the same result on the 2nd relocation. Y wouldnt changing its location in the tank cause it to move? Dont get me wrong I dont want it to move but it I find it fascinating that I read at how temperamental anemones r and mine has not shown any signs of that so far. hopefully it wont.


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lol thanks kathy getting me in trouble... i bought my unit at home depot for the time being but will soon be upgbrading to a 5 stage... if you are interested in buying mine... pm me ..well work something out..

If your not selling urs, then no worries. I want to research it more and I also have to figure out where I am going to put b4 I buy 1. Thank You though

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