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how much water should i change is 5 galllons enough..i added some sea salt and added buffer and and sorts of nice water chemicals to help the fish...they are happy now....

We can't tell you how much water to change without knowing what size tank you have. 5g is probably good in a 6g tank, but not in a 200g.

I would do a LARGE water change. This means 50% or more of your total volume. Then monitor and continue to do incremental, smaller water changes over the next few days.
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yup ....it is passover....i did nt use table salt because of the cost i used it because i did a water change and my tanks specific gravity became so low and it was too early in the morning for any stores to be open except the superwalmart... when isaw the fish deficient of 02 and they seemed as if they were having a changed hypoxic drive i knew it was the salinity that was low.. so i freaked and added whatever salt i could find since my bag was empty....i read another forum that stated table salt is okay if its not toxic to humans then why should it be toxic to fish... i willl definately do a water change more than 50 % but the fish seem to be all there ( i think , cant seem to find one ) im sorry for what i have done....all i can say is it wont happen again and thanks to all you aquarist specialists im able to keep them alive.


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Always test your tank water and compare it to the new water to make sure the salinity matches. Also, I'm not sure exactly what you did, but NEVER add salt directly to a tank.

As for the "not toxic for humans" argument, would you use Instant Ocean on your mashed potatoes, or driveway rock salt on your fries? Salt comes in many different forms.
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the salinity drop from a water change since my water was green... just spent last hour doing a 70 % water change and added the whole bag of salt... the green is now gone but in the process my heater broke cuz it was above water level and the glass cracked.. not my day !!i quickly removed the plug so the fish dont get an electric current.. maybee fresh water would have been an easier option.... even with table salt my fish did nt die ....i was spending 16 hours of light which is why i think my water turned green and reddish with slime. so far i have nt had evaporation problems
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