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Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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bankim, if i may, i would suggest doing alot more reading and understaning the hobby and how to keep a healthy successful tank before you add anymore livestock to the tank, get rid of the hydromitor and get a refractormeter much more accurate. i always suggest for people to read though others tank threads and see what they are using and doing, manderins will die in that tank, not big enough nor enough live rock to sustain them long time, they will starve out


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its been in my tank for 2 weeks now and it eats the red slime off the back of the tank and eats the sand and spits it back out...

He's actually plucking copepods from the glass and spitting out the cyano (red slime), that he's gulping down with it.

The best advice I can give you at this point (you're not going to like it), is to get rid of all of your fish (post them in the sale thread here), and let your tank cycle fully. Then make sure you have a proper cleanup crew, then add one fish at a time.

While you're waiting for the tank to cycle, get a good book and read it cover to cover.

If you won't take this advice, at least get rid of the mandarin and a couple of damsels, get some test kits (and the book), and give the tank a fighting chance to stabilize.


cephalopod enthusiast
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you are going to lose the mandarin anyway because, as nyreefnoob said, he is going to starve. if he's been in your tank for 2 weeks, that means that you added him 2 weeks into your cycle since your tank is only a month old. a 2 week old tank is not ready for ANY fish, especially not a mandarin goby, who is notorious for being a PITA. if you're concerned about the other goby's feelings regarding losing a friend, maybe you should consider mandarin feels about the lack of pods.


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----You could also see if someone you know (or someone on the board) has room to give the fish a foster home until your tank is ready for them.[/QUOTE]---------

Now thats a good idea- that way once your system is properly set up and ready for them everything will be how it is now except will be a HAPPY and HEALTHY environment. on the most part but would suggest getting another fish to replace the mandarine.
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i seriously ndoubt this is a real thread.either that or we are answering a young childs thread whos dad bought him a cool tank.honestly if you are for real and are asking advise why are you argueing your point when some of us have been in the hobby for years and know a hell of alot more then you.you dont want to listen then have fun buying fish after fish and watching them die 1 by 1,you want to keep the manderin go ahead but after it dies and the other fish start to die and you have ammonia in the tank get some more fish right away and do it again.sorry i just hate it when noobs come on here and try to justify there mistakes and argue and say everything is doing well its been 2 weeks.


Mainland Aquatics
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all i can say again is wow... hey btw, how old are you? how many tanks have u ever done? ever do freshwater? do you know what copepods are? im not being sinical but i really dont understand some thing said in this thread, maybe if you answer these questions itll make a lil more sense..

please answer these befrore we move on in this thread..


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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When I first started a fowlr 20 years ago there was nothing like the internets to get advice. We didn't have this marvelous series of tubes bringing us heaps of helpful advice.
I read books and had to ask at the LFS.
Its a shame that you have everything you need right here to start off so much more equiped but you don't seem to be taking advantage of it.
BTW even 20 years ago I was making better decisions than you are right now.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


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yup ....it is passover....i did nt use table salt because of the cost i used it because i did a water change and my tanks specific gravity became so low and it was too early in the morning for any stores to be open except the superwalmart... when isaw the fish deficient of 02 and they seemed as if they were having a changed hypoxic drive i knew it was the salinity that was low.. so i freaked and added whatever salt i could find since my bag was empty....i read another forum that stated table salt is okay if its not toxic to humans then why should it be toxic to fish... i willl definately do a water change more than 50 % but the fish seem to be all there ( i think , cant seem to find one ) im sorry for what i have done....all i can say is it wont happen again and thanks to all you aquarist specialists im able to keep them alive.

Guys This thread was a little rediculous I thought since the beginning and stuff he has said has made me suspicious of him being a joker- He knows terms to use such as hypoxic drive but then he ADDS salt to give them better oxygen meanwhile is a known fact that fish find it EASIER to get 02 with lower salinity- hence the reason theyre shipped in around 1.022 instead of .025 but he KNEW it was hyposalintinty that it was so instead of being the first one at the LFS doors waiting for them to open he doses his water with table salt.
If he did so much reading on other boards he definately skipped a few threads.

I still don't know if INNEED was joking in his threads but he said he was so I'll stay with that he was- this guy is saying stuff just like the "joking" threads by INNEED.

We were all beginners and I still think I am but I dont see how he could have all the conditions he said he has either with a 1 month old tank-- green water- cyano and say hes had the tank for 2 weeks but has gobies, and a bunch of others?... I just don't see this being a serious thread I see it as a string along because I want to be a wise ass and see how may people will actually fall for my line of BS.( but even with what seems like way out of the box problems everyone stepped up to try to help and is why I love this board- speaks volumes on the character of most here)

He also said he did a water change and then his water became very low in salinity-- when has that ever happened with fresh water change his salinity got too low- did you not measure the SG of your water you were adding? And if your SG was fine before your W/C how much did you change to drop it? hmmm

I will say though that if this indeed is a help me thread and you are totally serious then I wish you the best- just doesnt seem to jive to me--ESPECIALLY that he calls people on here aquarium specialists(seems like a little dig to me). For god sakes he says he has 8 fish in a month old tank- he did a 70% W/c in an hours time- and not one mention about PH levels and how to match when doing a major W/C? This in my eyes is not a real thread- I think hes just early for April 1st!

--AGAIN IF it turns out to be a legit thread for info--SORRY in advance but until then I have a flag pole out here and it has for some reason multiple flags all the way down the lanyard- funny thing is they're all RED.

Just my .02
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The thread is real and don't doubt what i have done because All that i have done was an incorrect quick and easy method to save time...i hardly check the ph unless i visit pet land who do the checks for me and give me advice but i stopped going there since their major intention is actually to sell fish that i might not be ready for. Even if it is April sometimes u should realize that people do sht and fk up... This was a major f... up. Adding the table salt didn't really affect the fish as much as they are affected now with the 70 water change Water is more clear but now i feel as if the fish are more stressed and im back to the beginning. I do appreciate your criticism it will just make me a better aquarist.. But do wish to thank everyone for their help in guiding people like me who have less knowledge and need the light to guide us straight. Im glad there are forums like this that beginners like me can learn and experts can become insurmountable. Thank you all for you patience.
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No prob man- just get a fresh start. You can always reverse the mistakes you make with time, patience and discipline. This time- post your questions about doing something youre not sure of before you do it and youll get good answers and guidance of what to do and what not to do.

No need to freak out you can always fix a condition that happens. Like DRE said come back strong. I restock my salt when I'm down to about 3 water changes worth. That way I'll never run out like you did. Get yourself some good test kits API are ok but there are much better- I use Saliferts and arent TOO much more than API's-
Should grab all 8 tests you need for a reef- ammonia, nitrite, nitrate,ph, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and kh-alkalinity. This way you can keep good track on whats going on yourself, unfortunately a lot of stores will test your water and tell you your nitrates are high to sell you some denitrate or other product.

Good luck again getting the tank going right --you will. You made your first great move to doing so buy starting to find new homes for the fish. Once the tanks good to go and ready you can get all the same fish(although I wouldnt put a mandarine in that small of a tank) you have and enjoy them. Best wishes........Jimmy
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