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Mainland Aquatics
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Good job on letting the fish be fostered out..loltake a couple steps backand start from the beginnin... do yourself a favor and eliminate all the water in yuor system atleast 90% after u remove you livestock and start over fresh..let your system finish cycling and keep us updateedand post pics of you setup. I'm interested to see what u got...also you didn't answer my ?s for before I still would like those answers I asked you earlier...not to put you down but so we know what were working with...please answer them
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Advanced Reefer
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i just read this whole post and i am flawed. you have to be f'n kiddin me you thought TABLE SALT could be used that is a commen sense reaction (NO) time to get to the store.....
these are living creatures & animals. if you had a kid would you feed them salt from the tank if you ran out of table salt. come on honestly


Advanced Reefer
Hamilton, NJ
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Hey. Just wanted to weigh in and say that it shows the kind of person you are for admitting your mistake, getting ridiculed for it, taking everyone's advice and fixing the problem. Great job. Most people would have been long gone after the first two pages of the post. Don't worry. You're not alone. We've all made mistakes and have learned from them. If you keep that kind of outlook you will go very far in this hobby.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


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i just read this whole post and i am flawed. you have to be f'n kiddin me you thought TABLE SALT could be used that is a commen sense reaction (NO) time to get to the store.....

Dude... the guy admitted his mistake, and is taking the advice given to rectify it. There's no need to point out his mistakes when he's working to fix them. If we're going to start that, then research, research, research how to spell research.


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but research also helps and learning before you try and put another lif in your hand
sorry for sounding very negative but honestly you have to research everything you do and know what you can do and what you cant. COMMON SENSE. i know alot of people conside this a hobby but to be honest it's a life style. i have lots of hobbies and the percentage of death in them is sooooooo minute which makes it a hobby.... reefing is a lifestyle it controls you, not you controling it

Wow! I read through all the posts and was sure it BS. Russ, Jim you guys are fantastic. You've helped me out tons and I'm sure you'll do the same for this guy.
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Old School Reefer
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Wow! I read through all the posts and was sure it BS. Russ, Jim you guys are fantastic. You've helped me out tons and I'm sure you'll do the same for this guy.

EVERYONE deserves the 'right' to be able to make a mistake. I admire this guy. Like Eric (beerfish) said, he owned up to this mistake publicly and accepted an extreme amount of ridicule and did not run from MR. I defy the majority of the membership here to do all that.

Exhibiting his willingness to accept the constructive criticism offered should be enough for everyone here to provide him with helpful information to guide him properly. When so many noobie's make mistakes and defy the guidance offered, everyone flames them for not doing what is suggested. Here we have a willing and humble noobie, doing just what is suggested and he's still encountering ridicule. Please help him. He wants to learn and is proving himself.

Yes, I'm in his corner, I know Jim and Eric are too. I'd like to see a contingent of knowledgeable members come forward to help him so he doesn't veer down the wrong path once again.


PS- Phil, I quoted your post to thank you and forgot to do so :duh: Thank you :redface:
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thanks for coming over and helping me set up my tank the right way... This really shows me that there are genuine people on this forum who truly want to help not for profit or self gain..Thanks again
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Advanced Reefer
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i understand we have all made mistakes and i am one of them for not doin my research.... but there is a common sense factor also if you dont know ask first before not after . i ahve aske jim tons of questiond=s and many othewr members on here before and then do more research lol
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the fact of the matter is i sought for help rather than letting my fish die...dont know who u are nor what u do nor do i care....at times there are certain critical points which one must make----> my judgement was incorrect. i just got into something like this but i guarantee u i will be the best at it.. im sure u have made mistakes in ur life, if u have not then i guess ur perfect right? i don't need to justify any more to or anyone because i don't dwell in the past.


Old School Reefer
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i understand we have all made mistakes and i am one of them for not doin my research.... but there is a common sense factor also if you dont know ask first before not after . i ahve aske jim tons of questiond=s and many othewr members on here before and then do more research lol

This is where we differ in our approach. I would rather view this thread as his attempt to do the research you (and the rest of us) so desperately want him to do, as well as correct a huge mistake that he cannot possibly prevent from happening, since it is now history. His mistake was made. Lets move on.

This is my final post 'discussing' the why's and why not's of his actions. My future posts will be constructive and helpful. These posts serve no purpose.



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bankim, bankim
trust me i have nothing to do with the fish/coral industry. also i am the wrong person to call out and in all honesty TRUST ME. i only stated facts never PM'ed you and threatend you but you did. you took it over and above what should have been done. if i would have read this the day it happen i would have been there making things right like i said "you dont know me" i could be your best friend or your worst enemy. i kept everything in your post. i am glad there were no loses and you listened to more acomplished reefers and vendors. i just hate stupidity and that is my flaw i might have flown off the handle but in all honesty research makes a reef tank no matter how many lfs you have gone to. research what you are up against and decide whether you are up for the task. cause if your not. your giving your livestock a life sentence and not a happy one. google, bing, yahoo or whaterver you use type in table salt in an aquarium what do you come up with....:scratchch


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what irked me is we explained what to do.some long time members here.and he argued the point.thats all.i have no ill will over noob mistakes god knows i had them and still do from time to time.i usually listen to the people i know have the smarts to lead me in the right direction and i do as they say.i never argued when people explained to me the right way.i owe all my knowledge pretty much to this site and i wish i could buy them all a beer when i see them.just if you know nothing of this hobby dont argue cause u will still be wrong.and yes your fish are still alive but for how long.still saying he is right cause the fish survived for 2 weeks


Mainland Aquatics
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who helped you???? im glad someone did.. i had a standup member drive almost 3hrs to come help me out in jersey from LI.. so theres a top of good guys here.. you should come to the swap and meet people and learn a lil more from the hands on point.. i look forward to meeting you and if you need anything let me know..


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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bankim, it makes me very happy to know that you are doing your best to rectify your previous mistake.;)

To the folks who have been so critical; It really saddens me to read these insults hurled so freely.;( What is it with people who instead of trying to help, feel the need to kick a person when there down? I don't believe that there is one single person here that can stand, and say with conviction that they NEVER made a mistake.
How you handle yourself once you realized that you have made a mistake is what truly counts.
Some people come to sites like MR to be part of a community, learn, and share their knowledge, and yet others seem to be here for the pleasure they get from the drama. Ask yourselves which are you please.:(

I gather I will be the next to receive some flaming behind the previous statement, and that is alright with me if it causes just one to reconsider their words the next time a fellow reefer stumbles, and needs assistance in getting back up.;)

Getting back to the table salt thing: I recall in my early days of fresh water that a couple of table spoons of Kosher Salt was recommended for the health of those systems.:) I can also understand the anxiety of realizing that something is wrong, and not having the proper equipment to rectify the problem, and making the wrong decision thinking it is the best one can make.
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