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Better getting it from the swap if you dont mind carrying it- just get phosban-and carbon- I use the ESV carbon and like it but whatever brand you use is up to you. if you contact russ hell bring it if he doesnt already plan on bringing it- I bought the 1200g bucket of the phosban because I dont feel like having to buy each time I change the media- but just get 150g to get started. Other than that they have everything. I have all the plumbing you need but it was used on my system. I'll give everything a run through of vinegar and then a vinegar bath but I suggest you do it again just to make sure everything is super clean before you use it. I also suggest just getting your own tubing and elbows new- theyre cheap and that way everything will be brand new plumbing wise and you can run it however you want and not how I had them ran for my system. I will bring them for you.

Also the tubing you use is 1/2" inner diameter tubing any lfs will have it and lowes or home depot if the lfs doesnt have it will have the barbed hose fittings that are at 90 degrees so you can run the lines how you want to route them.
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Old School Reefer
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if you contact russ hell bring it if he doesnt already plan on bringing it- I bought the 1200g bucket of the phosban because I dont feel like having to buy each time I change the media- but just get 150g to get started.

If you can give me a call or shoot me a PM I'll get the list from you and make sure you're all taken care of at the swap. We do our best to bring everything ever made for reefs :rollseyes: but that's not always possible. :)
The Koralias are all very cheap nowadays. We're going to have a Koralia Nano special at the swap, so this is a heads up for you ;)

Hope to hear from you again,
New York City
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I have like 65$ store credit at my LFS and I wanna use it, Their getting a Korolia 2 in tomorrow, I read there rated for 25-39 gallons I think so that just be acceptable, Korolia Nano from what I read was a little too light but, The Korolia 2 is perfect. I think I saw a big thing of activated carbon, It was like black balls/gramulates thing type thing (like this http://www.petsmart.com/product/ind...-C881-DE11-B712-001422107090&mr:referralID=NA), Thats what I need right? I can pick it up on my store credit.

I'm probably going to order the refractometer and 50G ESV salt mix to pickup at the swap.

I have this http://saltwatercritters.com/inc/sdetail/1285 but some of it is in a bag in the canister filter but I have some left in the case.

Can you give me a picture or an idea of how its setup like I'm confused, Can it hang on the back? I moved the protein skimmer to the left and the area between the protein skimmer and the heater is empty pretty much, Excluding the Aquaclear 30 but thats going to go when I get my Korolia 2 on Tuesday.

Also man, The prices on the Salifret test kits are just... jeez (YES I KNOW ITS AN EXPENSIVE HOBBY!!11!1!). I don't know what else I need I mean I have the API PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate but I assume I'll need to test things like Calcium, AK and Mag even though I'm going to be using the ESV Salt mix?
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Old School Reefer
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The phosban reactor can hang on the back of your tank. It has two elbows on it. One is for the supply water from the pump that will hang into your tank, the other is for the discharge coming out of the reactor flowing back into your tank. The instructions included with it are very easy to follow, if you didn't pick up on my explanation.

I HIGHLY recommend the refractometer. Measuring your salinity with a swing arm hydrometer is not nearly as efficient or consistent. Besides, at $32 it is a bargain.

The API test kits you have are fine. I would definitely suggest the Salifert kits for Ca, alk and Mg. They are much more reliable.

New York City
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Was waiting for a Korolia 2 from a LFS but, It never came in so I went with a Korolia 3 which is rated for 35 to 50 gallon 850 GPH now, Is that TOO much flow? It really kicked up alot of poop/leftover food which I managed to net when I first turned it on and its really moving the water quite well. It also is making kind of a annoying humming sound and vibrating the tank/dresser a bit. Its on the right side in the middle but more towards the top near my heater, Its on my ID thread here - http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/identification/76512-worm-wtf.html


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