I would def agree with you about a cycle of some sort with a new tank.
I have to respectfully disagree with you about the NSW. There is a complete and total difference between NSW and Pre mixed.
Fielder which kind of water did you use?
By the way people the water that you buy in petco is supplied by the leading filterer (sp) of NSW on the west coast. This water is used by aquariums all up and down the west coast and it well known for its quality over pre mixed water or self mixed
Ok Rare...I'll bite

Where does it say he got the water at Petco? I just re-read the thread about 11 times, and know I need new glasses but...I still don't see it there...and my crystal ball is currently in the shop for repair, no idea when they'll have it fixed for me
He could have gotten pre-made SW at a LFS, or from a buddy, or even from Petco, but the OP didn't give us that info..yet anyway.
I do have a question for ya though!
Are you implying that if a person ...starts off with a new tank and uses live rock (that hopefully stayed
very wet from the time of purchase to getting into the new tank), and used live sand (which we already know is probably something less than actually alive after sitting on a store shelf for who knows how long) and also uses NSW from Petco - made by Catalina!

)) ( I'm just having fun with ya on that

), that the tank will barely have a cycle?
btw - our OP has never mentioned sand...lol we're just making an assumption on that.
Gosh - I wish he would drop by and fill us in on how it's going!!:tub: