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Active Reefer
Great Neck, NY
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Shannon - do you have a budget for setting up this tank?
well you see KathyC... not really because my dad is really into this stuff too but he is more of a freshwater guy... I actually got the tank from him... so he is willing to buy my stuff as long as it's not ridiculously expensive of course... I just want to make sure I get everything right so I don't have to keep changing/buying things later when I could have gotten them in the first place.


Advanced Reefer
New York
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The Macho Man Agrees!


LE Coral Killer
Flushing, NY
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well you see KathyC... not really because my dad is really into this stuff too but he is more of a freshwater guy... I actually got the tank from him... so he is willing to buy my stuff as long as it's not ridiculously expensive of course... I just want to make sure I get everything right so I don't have to keep changing/buying things later when I could have gotten them in the first place.

What's the highest you can go, without being "ridiculously expensive"? That number is different depending on who you ask. And is that budget for all the equipment, or should it include livestock as well?


north jersey
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welcome to mr.
are you even more confused now? as you can see there are many opinions among us. there are many ways to skin a cat.
here is a cheap advice for you ...get these books ($9 each)...simple to read and understand. it will give you a base of what you need to understand. it's a start.
when you mentioned about doing research, i would suggest reading a book first rather than asking broad questions online. take any advice, especially online advice with a grain of salt. most books will give a better understanding and most likely facts rather than opinions.



welcome to our obsession and enjoy the ride.


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Shannon, welcome to MR. Guess I have to clean your thread up again....................


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.......................... all the fighting has stopped and people are being nice again :lol2:


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But seriously,

To set up your tank the proper way for you is to itemize what you have already. Then try to figure on what you want to keep. The decision is pretty much Reef or Fish only. Is your tank reef ready? Does it have holes and an overflow installed and drilled into it or is it a regular tank? If it isn't Reef Ready do you want to get holes drilled to make it reef ready.

If you plan on a Fish only tank then a Canister filter is fine. Just make sure to keep it clean and change the water in the tank and the media in the filter once every 3-4 weeks.

Fish only setup is easy if going with the Canister Filter. Pretty much set your rocks bottom layer up before you put your sand in, then place your sand around it on the bottom glass pane. Place your heater in the tank. Slowly fill the tank with salt water made from a good salt mix and some RO/DI water. Add the rest of your rock as you do then let the tank settle out for a few hours and then start your filter going and top off with salt water to accommodate for the water the filter is going to need to get running. Plug your heater in after about 3 hours. Take a pinch of fish food and throw it in there and wait for the tank to complete it's cycle. Test your water parameters and move your rocks around to adjust your aquascape as desired. If you plan on doing a reef, with a Canister Filter the steps above except I suggest getting a good skimmer, and some good lighting while the tank is cycling and get ready to add them after you have finished your cycle, and to be safe the media change on the Canister filter and the cleaning out of the filter should be done every 2 weeks. This is what I did when I ran my 55. It was a little more costly but it kept the tank nice and clean for my corals.

If you have your tank drilled for a sump that is a little different and more people here can help you with that because they have much more experience than I do. I will tell you that a controller is a great piece of equipment and I have one on each of my tanks. They are invaluable to help with controlling my lighting ans also as a safeguard for heating and cooling issues. It turns on and off my fans when the tank is too hot and when the tank is too cool it turns on my heater because of the built in temp sensor in the controller. Remember this is not a requirement but it helps quite a bit especially if you aren't home all day to monitor your tank.


Mainland Aquatics
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oh boy you said canister filter on a reef... here we go again..

actually, i ran a reef system on a canisterfilter, and a HOB skimmer for a while, never had a nitrate problem.. also if you deside to go reef you will need to add a few small hyor korallias for water current, you yeally dont want dead flow spots bc algea will gorw like crazy and detrius(waste) will acumulate..buy a good heater, not glass if possible, and dont waste your money on "live sand"

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