Saltwater buddies
Hi, I'm a new member and i can help you with Aiptasia, firstly i tried everything, Joes Juice works but they come back and its a pain and i heard that Joes Juice can affect the PH, I bought 3 Berghia Nudibranches in total from a guy on Craigslist and paid $25 each, he delivers, his name is Will Fung, his number is 646-529-2161, the Nudibranches ate some as i had about 30- to 40 different sizes of Aiptasia, including some growing in my crushed coral but after a few weeks, the Berghia Nudibranches disappeared and are very sensetive to Nitrates/ Nitrites but the one that worked best for me and almost over night were 'PEPPERMINT SHRIMPS', they were only $7 each and i bought two, the way to get them to eat the Aiptasia is by hardly feeding the tank fo about two days and overnight boom, many Aiptasias will be gone but just make sure you have the regular Peppermint Shrimps, i still have a few Aiptasias left that are growing on my power pump, so i might be buying a couple of more Peppermints and Will Fung sells them too and can probably work out the delivery with you, another thing i did was that i have a mini bow tank with a spotted mandarin goby in it and i noticed a few Aiptasias growing on a few of those rocks, and those rocks were tiny, in that matter, i took out the rocks and very carefully rinsed off the Aiptasa part with hot water from the sink for like 20 seconds maybe less and with a rubber glove on, i smudged it off and they're gone, the rock is fine and no good bacteria really died on the rock! I hate Aiptasia because it can sting the fish and i read that some people lost their fish as somehow the Aiptasia attacked their fish and certainly a mandarin goby moves very slowly and would be a target if small enough to large Aiptasia but try the Peppermints fist, a fraction of the cost of Berghia Nudibraches and i think more hardy (just add some Essential Ellements to the tank water for the shrimps), they attack faster and maybe save your money, let me know how it goes? Good luck and be patient, you will get rid of your Aiptasia! Ed,