ok, this is getting pretty off topic.
fielder, if you want to have success in this hobby and not kill any more fish, then go back to the thread you started two weeks ago and follow the advice. Your tank needs time to stabilize and it is never going to do that if you keep throwing stuff in there.
if i were you i would get rid of all your fish except for maybe one. let your tank run with just one fish for a month or so. then SLOWLY add more stuff once you know that you are able to keep your parameters in check, and are able to go a month without killing a fish.
stick to easy corals like leathers and zoanthids, stock the tank lightly, and again, go slowly.
in the meantime, donate, sell, or ask someone to hold your livestock until you and your tank are able to care for them.
as for the pics...you bta is totally bleached out. really not a good sign. also, it looks like you have a scooter blenny in there. hope you researched that fish before you bought it.
if i were you i would get rid of all your fish except for maybe one. let your tank run with just one fish for a month or so. then SLOWLY add more stuff
I did some research on the blenny and the only thing I really saw as a concern is that its hard to get them to eat but when I bought this guy the lps told me that he's even eating brine shrimp which he is doing so I hope that's an obstacle out of the way. Also, what do u mean the anemone is bleached?
buy some books, do some reading on the web. eating brine doesnt mean anything, most fish will eat brine and slowly waste away. and bleached means that the anemone is at deaths door. get rid of your livestock, get a book, and do some reading before you kill more stuff.
This book will pay for itself, and help prevent future livestock from needless suffering.
There is a paperback version that is cheaper as well.
And this is a good source of info on setting up a tank: