I had my 2 false percs for about 2 weeks when I put in a pink BTA the other day. Monday night they first started noticing it and the big one started to host it. One of the first times he brushed against the anemone he swam away from it and started flailing for like 10 seconds but was fine after that. It didnt stop him and he kept trying to get closer to the anemone until finally he did it. The next morning I woke up and found the clown dead at the back of the tank on the furthest end from the anemone. I figured it mustve had to do with him getting shocked so I figured maybe the next one would be fine. Last night my other clown also tried hosting the anemone but I never saw it go crazy like the first one. I figured I would wake up and everything would be fine but instead I woke up to find it dead crammed between two rocks. Can anyone explain what happened? Also, I always leave my neon lights on at night so I dont know if that affected what happened.