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Books aren't made just to cut down trees and waste ink you know... they have A LOT of information. You can't just start the hobby thinking you'll figure it out on the way, it is more of doing all the research first so that you do not run into mistakes and even worse, deaths.

A good site that I started on was reefcentral.com. It is very populated and has a lot of great articles. If you SEARCH through their threads, I guarantee you will find answers.

In my experience, I've found that some books are great at explaining how a reef works. It will explain a lot of things like chemistry and the ecosystem in a reef tank. Lots of research is done to write those books ya know.

Also on the money topic, expect to keep paying more and more money as you keep your tank. You will NEVER stop paying money to keep your tank running. You will keep paying for electricity, water, SALT, test kits, etc. I have a 50 gallon tank and to set it up it cost me over 1500. I never expected this when I first started but hey, hobbies aren't cheap, especially this one.

I'll agree with you that if you have a computer, why read? I am not a big fan of reading neither but if its going to help me know how to set up, maintain, and expand my tank, why not?

Knowledge is power. It's cheesy, but its true. And books are a great source of it.

thanks for the site and understanding... im trying to get a job so i can spend more.. also i have a 10g nano tank so how much should i top off exactly everyday?? i have a litle mark on where the water level is and it hasnt dropped that much..


Advanced Reefer
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No problem.

A 10 gallon nano tank shouldn't need much to top off. Everyday, water will evaporate so just refill the amount lost with new rodi water.

k will do =).. wats the difference between ro and ro di??? ro di is reverseosmosis distilled? cause my lfs only sells r/o.... anyways.. i dont think ill top of my water for a fewdays as i want it to evaporate to get my sg to around 1.025... yesterday i added too much to top off...around a cup.... i should add probably around a tablespoon... cause i have a little mark on the glass for my water level and it barely changes... today it'd a little lower but thats hwta im going for... im letting the tank mature until around end of october.. then ill add some feather dusters and green chromis for firsfish...im also gonna save up a little so i can get some better equipment...
UES, Manhattan
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wats the difference between ro and ro di??? ro di is reverseosmosis distilled? cause my lfs only sells r/o....
Earlier, I suggested searching a question before you ask... seems to work ok:

Not trying to be rude, just a little tongue-in-cheek humor :D

Please try this out for yourself - you'll have such an easier time finding answers to your questions, and it will save you so much worrying.



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im might just do fowlr now... everyone is very rude on here, i feel... i don't like how people just tell me to "GET A BOOK"...... im going to probably just keep some damsels or green chromis and if the corals survive they survive..... fowlr is easy since i have done it before.... if the corals survive then i will think about trying them... the corals arent like dead or anything.. just not as open as yesterday... i might sell my t5 lights if i dont keep coral.. or maybe ill keep it... idk... I am listening to what people are saying... i just can't spend all that money like you guys do... i dont wan't to spend 40 dollars on a book that im probably not even going to know what the heck their talking about.... people on youtube have reef tanks and their make it seem so easy... i even saw a 12 year old with a reef tank...


You have how many threads started? 37

How many times have you been given advice? Countless

How many times have you been advised to research more before you go forward? Again Countless.

This hobby is not a cheap one. If you want cheap, buy a beta and keep it in a Fluval Chi.

People here are more than willing to help if you are receptive to their advice. They will lose patience if you are not receptive to that advice, as you have not been on quite a few occasions.

Before you do/add/change anything you should be researching instead of doing something and then posting a panic "HELP WHAT DID I DO" thread after wards. These are living things you are putting in your tank. If your tank isn't ready for them they will die. This is unfair to them and quite careless on your part. You will have the same results of you go FOWLR if you do not research. Before you go all "woe as me" look at your previous threads and look at what people have told you to do and chosen not to listen to, before you put the blame on us for being rude. To be perfectly honest, you are being rude for not listening to the sound advice you have received from experienced hobbyists..

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