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well i did a water change yesterday. i went to my lfs first and i noticed in their 10 gallon they had the same 10 aqueon filter like me. BUT the thing was the water was all the way filled to the top because they took out the blue part that creats o2 bubbles. with the blue part on u cant fill the tank all the way to the top. with it off you can, but u dont get any "bubbles". i am not talking about an air stone or anything like that. if you have an aqueon filter youll know what i am talking about. it is the smalles first blue piece that creates and drop down flow creating bubbles. i took it off and my tank is all the way filled now since i did a water change. the surace of the water has less movement and it looks dusty. maybe because i crushed my pellets cause my damsels wont eat the pellets, and still wont eat if crushed. so saltwater fish tanks really need 02? i have a powerhead in it running though. my 2 chromis fish seemed stress ever since my firefish died and i did a water change. also i did re aquascape the rocks. they were like this even before i took out the blue part. heres a pic of the filter. the piece i took out was the one clostest to the right. and heres my tank filled up. my lfs told me i could fill it up all the way as long as i had live rock. and also are my chromis not eating cause they dont like the food or cause their stressed out? i remember seeing them eat the crushed ones once. they haven't eaten much since i have bought them, maybe thats why their stressed? should i return the food and get flakes??? and someone on here told me not to crush the food cause it will raise detrius levels but if i dont crush it they wont even take a nibble on it. they barely eat the crushed ones.


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