- Location
- Philippines
...i haVe a 6 gallon Eclipse tank (with hood and liGht) that haS some live sand, with cheatoS, woRms and pods in iT i have been keePing aLive for mY HOB fuge. however, my HOB fuge has flouriSh'd s0 i dont need the backup taNk aNymore :wow:
giVe mE wHateveR u caN spare (beeR, sHrimp, snaiLs, craBs, etc) and you can taKe the taNk and aLL oF itS conteNt. iT's good enuF to fiLL a sMall fuGe :approve: :afro:
pickUp in wiLLiamsburGh, brooKlyn
giVe mE wHateveR u caN spare (beeR, sHrimp, snaiLs, craBs, etc) and you can taKe the taNk and aLL oF itS conteNt. iT's good enuF to fiLL a sMall fuGe :approve: :afro:
pickUp in wiLLiamsburGh, brooKlyn