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  1. florida pets?

    Hi have a while ago both from www.floridapets.com, and was quite pleased with the order. Anyone have any recent experience? I want to place an order. thanx -tv
  2. saltwaterfish.com sucks?

    Well, I generally do not order online, but in this case I got tempted with the "free shipping"( we all know its not really free, but humans are easy suckers) Anyhoo...fish and cleanups, bill came to 191. with tax.... Good enuff. Package comes.. the foxface is very unhappy.... I still...
  3. Killing aiptasia

    What exactly is Joes juice, I am suspicious of putting in a liquid w/o knowing what exactly it is. I have a lot of invertebrates and worms and such, would hate to kill em off.
  4. Killing aiptasia

    if they reproduce by budding then I guess i shouldnt see a explosion overnight, and I can watch it and see how fast it reproduces? Or should i take no chances and start with a kalk dose tonight?
  5. Killing aiptasia

    hmm.... yes i see the danger of 50 small aiptasias. How do they reproduce? right now I have only one, its the size of one of my yellow polyps. Not bothering anyone yet. I'm afraid of a explosion... right now it looks quite pretty... nice and healthy.
  6. Killing aiptasia

    I have heard lots of potential solutions, from high alk dose to shrimp... What about simply poking the crap out of it with a sharp pin?
  7. I cant keep alkalinity up...

    i use IO salt, havent got a MG test kit... hmmm....
  8. I cant keep alkalinity up...

    I have a 5 gal nano, and it seems to suck up the alkalinity and calcium on a daily basis. I dose with C-Balance, and drip kalk (top off only), I do 20% water changes once every 2-3 weeks. I seem to drop 1.5-2 dKh and about 60-70 ppm of calcium every day.. And thats with dosing the...
  9. Bangai Cardinals not eating

    I put in 2 bangai cardinals, in my FOWLR 55 gallon. They dont seem to be eating. I have tried flakes, frozen shrimp, formula one cubes, and algae. They seem healthy enough and the first day the tomato clown bugged them a bit, but then left them alone. They seem to just hang out near the...
  10. Salinity in the reef tank

    I had seen somewhere a table that showed the adjusted salinity, based on the temp. And I remember reading that at 80 degrees, your actual salinity is a tiny bit higher than the measured salinity. Thats why I keep mine at 1.024. Anyone have the calcs for the relationship between temp and salinity?
  11. Yellow Polyps not happy.

    Well I have seen the hermits a couple of times amongst the polyps, butthey dont seem to be eating them per se... I will do the water change and see, I tend to feel its the buffer too. Thought the alk level is fine. A coupe have opened up, a bit weakly, so I am hopeful that they will recover...
  12. Yellow Polyps not happy.

    Oh I forgot to mention I have 2 firefish in there, but they spend most of their time hiding in crevices. And they were in the tank at the time of my buffer addition... they seem to be very happy.
  13. Yellow Polyps not happy.

    I have a 5G tank, with LR/LS. Has been running for years now, but never put any coral in. Last week I put my first coral... yellow polyps. They were fine for a couple of days, I added some buffer to tweak my alk level up, and they closed up (alk shock?). Havent opened since... a couple open...
  14. Help! Fish dying

    Well 24 hours later, I am down 4 fish, tnk seems stable, but remaining fish down feel happy to me , still breathing heavy. I am going to remove them into my 5 gal mini. I was going to do that yesterday, but the 5 gal runs at least 6-7 degrees warmer, and I have it cooled down to about the same...
  15. Help! Fish dying

    no ich. Fish are/were healthy otherwise. 1.025 is the salinity. Tank is at 80 deg or so. Yes I have carbon running now, I think most of the damage is done, hopefully I can save the rest. Whats curious to me is it seems to have affected only a few fish, inverts and coral doing fine. Only...
  16. Help! Fish dying

    I have a mostly fish tank, and after my routine cleaning and testing, I went out, only to come back and notice my yellowtail damsel, being eating by my hermies. Also noticed that my firefish were dead, and my other damsel and sargent major were breathing very heavily. These fish have been in...
  17. Help! Fish dying

    I use a dropper to do my tests. And use TWP with Kalk for my top off water. Same as always. One more thing, I had the skimmer cranked up a notch (I tend to increase the airflow when scrubbing). So there were a lot of air bubbles in the tank. Is it possible that the air bubbles, or levels of O2...
  18. Tap water purifier

    I have been using 2 TWP in series, for 2 years now.... cant complain. And I simply re-charge my resins at home, and you get 2 new cartridges for a few bucks. The procedure is fairly easy. For now I cant justify, spending $ on a RO/DI unit.
  19. Tap water purifier

    I have been using 2 TWP in series, for 2 years now.... cant complain. And I simply re-charge my resins at home, and you get 2 new cartridges for a few bucks. The procedure is fairly easy. For now I cant justify, spending $ on a RO/DI unit.
