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  1. Expired Ammonia Tabs

    I have a tablet Amminioa test from mt LFS. would the tablets be useless at one year over? should I *****?
  2. Care of Astreas and Blue-Legs

    Do Astrea snails and Blue-Leg Hermits need care and feeding beyond the right temp, chemistry and algae in the tank? I know my hermits will need bigger shells, but is there any behavior to indicate whether they need more food? Also, do these animals depend on photosynthesis, or is two hours of...
  3. Another Cycling Question

    OK stats first: 10 Gallon Skilter 250 20 Lbs. prepackaged LS 14 Lbs. Cured LR from fish store 8 Lbs. LR from established tank PC w actinic for 2 hrs/day Started on the 15th As all of my LS was prepackaged, I hoped my tank would cycle quickly from the dead stuff in the sand. I have had no...
  4. A Call to Ban Reptiles- Is our Hobby Next??

    In a recession, I highly doubt governing bodies will be denying importers and pet stores the right to make a living from the sale of reptiles. This is not a time where our government wants to see more people out of work or making less money. I see a change in how our country is looking at...
  5. Timers/PC's

    I have SL 37's from Custom SeaLife. Although the daylight and actinic bulbs/sockets have separate power sources, they malfunction when rigged to separate timers. Either both lights will stay on or both off, they can not be run separately. Although I beleive this is due to improper wiring by the...
  6. Ballasts

    Please, look inside of your ballasts. In my Custom Sea Life is only two transformers. These units are not converted to DC. If you read the transformers' labels, you can pick them up at any electronics store. To convert transformers to run DC, you will nedd an item called a "Step-Down Bridge"...
  7. Ideal Cleanup crew

    Soon I will be shopping for a cleanup crew for my 10 gal, 18 lbs fiji LR, 3"DSB tank. What snails/crabs should I be looking for, and how many per gallon? My initial idea is 6 astreas, 2 turbos, 2 blue leg hermits, and a skunk cleaner. Could I add 2 peppermint or blood shrimp as well? The...
  8. UV Sterilizers

  9. Cycling Question

    Skilter's filter pack stays in the filter, or out?
  10. UV Sterilizers

    The minute I set my tank up I started getting advice from well-meaning clients in my shop. One stood out. He wants to trade me a powerhead, UV sterilizer and a couple of pounds of Fiji rock for a tattoo. I figure this to be a good deal, as I'm sure I can sell the sterilizer. Is there any reason...
  11. D-Day

    I dunno. No corvette here. I haven't made any driftwood artwork, but now that you mention it, sounds like a good idea. I'm originally from Morristown, NJ. Now I live in Fort Lauderdale.
  12. D-Day

    I have the Reef Tank Owner's Manual by Tullock.
  13. Queen Conchs: What are your experiences?

    God they taste good seared. I'm building a ten gallon, way too small for those tasty beauties.
  14. D-Day

    Either tomorrow or Saturday I bring my Ten-Gallon Nano to Be to the shop to set up. My first priority is cycling and testing the water as it cycles (and all the time after) as far as I understand the priorities are: Ammonia 0mg/l Nitrite 0mg/l Nitrate <10mg/l pH...
  15. More Newbie Questions

    Thanks. I will not be stocking anything but a few snails and hermit crabs after my first cycle. I'm just sorting out the info I'm getting so I have a good game plan. The people here are sure helping me a lot.
  16. More Newbie Questions

    Damn, the link won't work for me, and RC won't let me search for it. I'd sure like to have a DSB, and yes, I am using a Skilter.
  17. More Newbie Questions

    Thanks guys, thanks Ernie, boy you are fast. Could I possibly keep a skunk with a coral-banded?
  18. More Newbie Questions

    OK, being a little leery of the LFS's sales tactics stories here, I decided to ask more questions. I would like eventually, a cool looking shrimp or two, and a cool-looking fish or two in a Low-Tech 10 gallon nano. All they have are Coral-Banded Shrimp. The claws on these shrimp look scary...
  19. Is aquiring frags just to make us feel better?

    If reefs are growing on man-made objects I would not consider them aquacultured. I also appreciate that many people are fragging corals and breeding fish. Is this causing an impact on the world's reefs? Absolutely. But I'd rather see the hobbyists doing this destruction than other more...
  20. New Reef

    I'm getting some awesome advice here, thanks. I plan to install two fans in my hoo, one in one out. One thing I was wondering about the fans is how to power them. Should I tap into the lamp ballast if it's a 12 volt? A 120 Volt AC fan seems like a bit much when all I really have to cool is the...
