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  1. Selling my 29 gallon tank

    I am selling my 29 gallon tank, tank stand, live rock (around 20 Ibs), 30 inch PC lighting, remora protein skimmer. Asking $50 for all. Have no time to take care of them. that is why I am taking this down. Please PM me if interested. here are some pictures. thanks
  2. WTB-White Pom Pom Zenias

    Once in a while, I go to Stamford to visit family on weekends. When I'm up there, I also stop by House of Fins in Greenwich. If one of the weekends you happen to be in that area, perhaps meet up at House of Fins, that would be cool. I just restarted my reef tank so I have nothing to offer...
  3. WTB-White Pom Pom Zenias

    Anyone have any WTB-White Pom Pom Zenias? Thanks
  4. wtb musrooms

  5. wtb musrooms

    I am at frag swap now. Anyone selling mushrooms or other soft coral my tag name is nemi. I will put name on my chest Thanks.
  6. WTB Mushroom and Xenias, Tree coral?

    Anyone out there have any red and /or purple mushrooms and pumping xenias? Perhaps a tree coral. I work in Wall street area (William and John street) so hopefully another member lives or works nearby so I can buy it during my lunch hour. Thanks all.
  7. Wants to start a new tank but clueless

    I recommend you start a SMALL reef tank (its prettier than fish only) Start with easy to care coral like mushrooms, Kenya Trees, Xenias. And review the list posted above. items 2, (3 not needed if nano tank), (6 buy distilled),7,9,10,14, 15 are nice to have but not essential.
  8. What salt mix do you use?

    Reef Crystals
  9. Georgia Aquarium

    I was there several years ago. great aquarium
  10. MR's Spring 2010 Member Frag Donation Thread

    Good that he found a new home. thanks for taking care it.
  11. coral i picked up on bahamas vacation help 2 identify

    Aquacuture, is the way to go.
  12. My 10 gallon nano

    Amazing how much you can put in in a 10 gallon
  13. Tank upgrade need advice

    Just empty out your old tank by putting the live rocks in large plastic tupperware buckets and a temp tank to place your corals. That way, you have time to take the old tank out and the new one in. Don't try to do this in one day. Keep most of the old water where possible so minimal stress...
  14. Proper Lighting

    my zoos, pom pom Xenias, frogs, torchs, cndy cane, and mushrooms thrive on T-5 and PC lights.
  15. Income Tax Question

    If they exceed 7.5% of your AGI, yes.
  16. What is the best way to setup a saltwater tank?

    Yes, lots to read on. but first I say read up on how to care and feed lionfishes and the equipment required. Find out what other fishes are compatible with lionfishes. As for equpment, since you are getting fish only versus reef, get a protien skimmer and hang-on filter and you're all set.
  17. Open Bottom Tanks

    That's right. What if the pump fails. Even a check value won't be able to hold that much water for long.
  18. Frogspawn and Candy cane for sale

    knugen, youndreef, cthoughts, spacenyc and enduserferg PM replied. Thanks all.
  19. Frogspawn and Candy cane for sale

    Pending sale.
  20. Does 180 gallon need support

    My 72 gallon tank is 4 feet long--enough to span perpendiculiar just shy of 4 joist near a load bearing wall. I was also concerned about the weight of my tank. So I bought three 8 X 12's, laid it down over the floor. Put the fish tank over the 8 X 12's which now span 8 joists.
