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  1. FS: Modern Coral Reef Aquarium

    Yeah, its on amazon now, but just trying to give people here a chance too haha
  2. FS: Modern Coral Reef Aquarium

  3. FS: Modern Coral Reef Aquarium

  4. FS: Modern Coral Reef Aquarium

    bump again
  5. FS: Modern Coral Reef Aquarium

  6. FS: Modern Coral Reef Aquarium

    I have all 4 volumes for sale. They are practically brand new with ZERO damage. $250, and that INCLUDES shipping! PM me if you want more photos. If you want a text photo, send a phone number. If you want an email photo, send an email. Thanks. -Elliott
  7. My Puffer is a Tang

    I have noticed that one of my clowns has started going after the seaweed too.
  8. Eshoops cone skimmer and stuff

    Where in NJ? I may be interested in the skimmer.
  9. 12"+ RBTA with a Pair of Clowns

    It was nice meeting you. Thanks again!
  10. Ball anemone

    I shot one of mine with some lemon juice. It hasn't opened up since, but that was only 2 or 3 days ago.
  11. need help someone please help me drill a tank

    I can also drill it for you if you need. I am in East Windsor NJ. As far as drill bits go, check out http://glass-holes.com/
  12. corals for sale .. way too packed >>>>cheap cheap cheap

    His tank looks great! I swung by today and picked up 5 frags for a good price.
  13. Coral or fish

    Coral is nice to look at and all, but its not as fun to watch....fish have a personality, they swim around.....a little more fun.
  14. anyone on instagram

    I have a few photos of my aquatic life.... @e_baer
  15. Ball anemone

    I had emailed KPaquatics, aka sealifeinc and Kara replied with this: The Berghia Nudibranch, may eat it. I don't really know 100% as we do not collect or sell that species of anemone. If it is anything like the Aiptaisia, I know that both the peppermints and the Berghia Nudibranch will eat...
  16. Ball anemone

    Do yours come out at night or are they out all the time? Here is a link to the 2 types of ball anemones. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/10/inverts I have not found any information on what eats them. Everything I read is saying kalk, joes juice, hot water, etc.
  17. Ricordia

  18. Ball anemone

    I was wondering....do you think a copperband or a peppermint shrimp would eat them? I have been contemplating getting one.
  19. Ball anemone

    I have a lot of them in my tank as well. They are Ball Anemones. Mine are not near any coral though. They mostly hide in crevices until its dark. The good news is that they dont really move around....they are pretty stationary. I also did a lot of research on them, and there isnt much. I...
  20. Low Ph

    If you have a fuge, keep the lights running 24/7 to increase O2 in the water.
