**Update to*** Help my acros are shedding their tissue!!
Well, it's been about a year since my sps's started shedding their tissue. They continued to die off over a period of about 5 months. I lost almost all of my acros. My monti's and zoa's for the most part were fine. During this period I also lost a naso and Kole eye tang, and copperband butterfly.
Here's a list of things that I thought were contributing factors:
- Changed MH bulbs
- low salinity
- alk swings
- changed RODI filters
- Not feeding enough food to my fish, thus starving corals
Throughout this period I continued to do weekly or biweekly water changes but my acros were still failing.
Eventually I did find the answer and turned my tank around...
I have a 30 gal inline fuge with a dsb in my basement. One of my drains from my display into the fuge became clogged because it was resting on top of my dsb. When I tried free the drain from my dsb it fused to the sand bed. When I freed the pipe from my dsb it pulled up a big chunk of solidified sand that went all the way down to the bottom of the dsb.
When I started to think back, it was shortly after I moved this drain cemented to the DSB was when I started having my problems.
I took my fuge off-line from my system. Removed all of my frags critters and macro algae and drained all of the water. Then I went through the process of mixing the sand bed, filling with fresh salt water and draining. I did this about 5 or 6 times and then left everything settle. I then put the fuge back inline with my system and over the following weeks I started to see tiny bits of sps starting to grow back.
It has now been about 2 months since I totally reset my fuge/dsb and I can see my corals coming back. Colors are coming back to the few sps's that did survive, and new ones are growing where colonies use to thrive.
It was the disturbing of the dsb that released toxic compounds into my water column and they weren't detected by any of my tests! Hopefully this story helps someone in the future who is banging their head against the wall wondering why their corals are dying.
Thanks to all for their input over the months to my problem.